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Helo, my name is Faithmanor & I have a 15.5 y.o. boy to sell or re-home!

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Send him here! I hope he likes the outdoors, because I have a 3-year-old boy who needs to be exercised for several hours a day. Plus I'm tired of paying someone to cut my grass. I've always wanted a garden, but there's no one to till the ground. And my flower beds are in desperate need of re-mulching. The tile in my bathrooms need re-grouting and sealing. I'm sure I could think of more things that would make chemistry look more appealing.

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:glare: If he complains about that chemistry assignment one.more.time. (logic dude, it's all about the logic...chemistry is one of your mother's most beloved scientific topics), then he's destined for a life of indentured servitude to some unlucky, unsuspecting mother on this board.


$5.00 will get a piece of decent chocolate for me, but the price is negotiable.


(If he ever has kids, I swear I am moving next door to him and doing nothing but putting the little darlings up to no good..."But, daddy, I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to do my math! But, daddy, I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to read that book." - Yep, the empress grandmother will exact her revenge, somehow, some way, somewhere.)


Any takers???????????????????? ;)


(No, you may not have the middle boy. He has half of his assignments done by now and corraled his the youngest to help him do the dishes since there was quite a pile yesterday and I had to spend the evening with my left ankle propped up - old injury re-aggravated from a rousing game volleyball at a 4-H picnic yesterday. That child is a keeper!)




It all depends on his handiness. If he can do simple (and I mean simple) projects around the house, then I would love him! My dh is wonderful in the virtual world, not so much in the physical fix-it world. ;)

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