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Since Nat. Geo. Kids was deemed "disappointing," do you think of Nat. Geo?

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I remember it being a great magazine when I saw it as a young person, but maybe it has changed? I was thinking that since all of the responses to Nat'l Geographic Kids magazine were very negative, maybe I should just subscribe to the regular Nat'l Geographic magazine for ds. He is a nature lover, an animal lover, a lover of all things scientific. He loves watching Nat'l Geographic specials and other documentaries about science/nature/animals/archaeology/paleontology, etc. So, do you think he would enjoy the magazine? Thanks!

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I think regular Nat'l Geographic might be a bit much for that age group. It's a pretty dense magazine. We occasionally read an article of interest to my almost 8 year old dd, but I wouldn't get the subscription just for her. She loves Ask by Carus publishing for her nature/science magazine. Much better than Nat'l Geographic Kids and no advertising.





Oops! Just noticed your son is only 4.5. I'd look at Click by Carus for that age group.



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I'm thinking about subscribing, as well. But I like the adult version. I don't really thing you're ever too young for NG. The photos are incredible and for a 4 yo that'll be all he's looking at but you'll be reading the text and telling him about it. Later he'll consume more and more on his own.


Now, if you're talking about the kid's version: I don't like it. We've checked it out at the library and I disapprove on the basis that it's too full of advertising. I feel the same way about the website: too much advertising, too many external links.


Why haven't I subscribed to NG? B/c I'm afraid I'll become one of those ppl who can't throw away even one issue b/c we might cover that in school one day. I see my house over-run and my family squeezing b/t stacks just to get around in the house.


If you aren't worried about that, I think it's a great idea!

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I disliked National Geo. for Kids for the same reasons as others...half the pages were ads (for things I didn't want my kids to have) and many articles were too "pop culture" oriented, e.g., "The Making of Spiderman." I cancelled after 2 issues.


Not long after I wrote a scathing letter to National Geographic cancelling, I received an offer for 3 years of the adult National Geo. at an exceptional rate, and I accepted. We love it! Yes, the articles can be a bit dense for DS7, but when a photo catches his eye (as so many do) he is still drawn to read at least part. He and DS5 get so excited when a new issue arrives.


And we will keep our back issues around to peruse as they get older. I can see 20 years from now, we will be moving and faced with the dreaded, "What do we do with all these magazines? They are too nice to throw out!"


Do consider it!

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I was thinking that since all of the responses to Nat'l Geographic Kids magazine were very negative, maybe I should just subscribe to the regular Nat'l Geographic magazine !


My response was very positive, and I even listed some examples of articles which seemed to be the type of response you were looking for.

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I like Nat'l Geographic, and I let my kids read it. Having said that, I wish it were a little more Geo and a lot less Geo-socio-political. I have to review the issues before I turn them over to the kids- remember the "Art of Love" issue- argh! I have assigned articles for science class and the photography is unmatched.


Some of the articles are just plain against our personal beliefs and I have to be prepared to discuss that with my kids- but that is all part and parcel as far as I'm concerned. No worse than watching the news etc.



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Got an ad the other day for a magazine, "KIDS Discover", that I think might be similar. They said it's ad-free and "takes your child on an exhilarating journey to exotic parts of the earth and exciting times in history." I haven't seen an actual issue yet, but from the ad it looked like a great magazine for my kids. You might want to check it out. The website is http://www.kidsdiscover.com

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I would get this magazine just for the photos, to be honest!


Keep in mind that this magazine also shows some upsetting things--warfare, for example. If you choose to subscribe, you should plan on carefully screening what your child is allowed to read or not.


I screen ours for our kids and it is working well. The photos are interesting to all of us, and we have enjoyed learning about a wide diversity of topics.

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