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Jewish History resources from Ktav or Behrman-any opinions?


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I am trying to decide between From Ur to Eternity Vol. 1: From Patriarchs to Spanish Inquisition by Barbera Engel and Ktav Publ. http://www.ktav.com/product_info.php?products_id=2350




The History of the Jewish People Vol. 1 Ancient Israel to 1880's America by Behrman House: http://behrman.powerwebbook.com/productdetails.cfm?sku=190


I've used BH products for 5 years and I like that this particular series of two volumes has historian Jonathan Sarna as a contributor. That being said, I'd still like to know if anyone has any first hand experience with either one. I don't want twaddle; I take history seriously.


We read regularly from biographies and historical fiction for our Jewish history, but I also like to have a "spine".


My children are 11 and 12.





edit: I'm also considering Teaching Jewish History by Julia Berger, but don't know much about it. I like the content of what I've seen of Teaching Haftorah of the same series. Any experience with this title from Berger? It's also distributed by BH: http://behrman.powerwebbook.com/productdetails.cfm?sku=A183

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I recently bought the one-volume version of the second resource you listed, the Sarna et al:




I have only read about half the book but so far I like it a lot. It's very smart, accessible, and I appreciate the authors' general approach to the topic. Presumably the two-volume set has more in it but if it's essentially the same material, it would be just right for middle school age.

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Great! I appreciate the reviews. I am planning my year and have a few things undecided, so this helps a lot; we begin at the end of Oct.


I am planning on using Rabbi Wein's series for high school; can you tell more about what makes it such a great resource compared to others you have used?


I'd also like to incorporate Chaim Potak's narrative version of history; my CM side demands it!:)



Have you listened to Rabbi Wein's audio: 5000 Years of Jewish History?


I was considering incorporating it prior to high school; I like audios to "fill in the gaps" so-to-speak, but I don't know how dry it may be. As in, is it in a lecturing style or a lively telling?



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Thanks again for your responses.


I would choose the two-volume version and not the one vol. condensed version; so hopefully there will be additional material than what you have experienced (of course, I'm assuming that you're referring to the 1 vol. version, alpidarkomama).


The only other general history material I've used is the two-volume Seymour Rossel books and they were fine for the ages intended-middle elementary.


I'm fine if it's fairly general, though not fine w/simplification; like I said, I read-aloud and they read independently many biographies and other books of historical fiction too that parallels whatever stream of history we're studying. I have collected a very long and extensive booklist (and always expanding!) for what I call our "living Jewish history" selections.


I just need a good basic spine to pull it together. We'll be making our rounds again in high school w/Rabbi Wein's materials and they are also learning history via their B'nei Mitzvah classes.


I'd love to have Artscroll's The Jewish Experience: 2,000 Years, but it's a little pricey for me this year :sad:.



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