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The house/property adjacent to our backyard was sold fairly recently, and a massive renovation was started. Dh caught the construction guys dumping ALL the stuff they tore out over the back fence into our yard. I'm halfway glad and halfway sorry I missed the whole event, but all I can say is that the backyard was emptied again within an hour.


And they didn't try it again, but instead ordered a dumpster!

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The house/property adjacent to our backyard was sold fairly recently, and a massive renovation was started. Dh caught the construction guys dumping ALL the stuff they tore out over the back fence into our yard. I'm halfway glad and halfway sorry I missed the whole event, but all I can say is that the backyard was emptied again within an hour.


And they didn't try it again, but instead ordered a dumpster!


Well, in their defense, I'm sure they figured you'd never notice all of the huge piles of junk.


You know, in your back yard.


Right there behind your house.


:glare: :glare: :glare: :glare:


What idiots!!! :angry:


Sometimes I think there should be awards for stupid. But I guess the ceremony would never actually end, would it? ;)

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Maybe you can make a manure blowing rocket :lol:




I have a 4-H rocketry team that could soooooooooooooooooo design and construct this rocket! :D


Hmmm.....I wonder what M.S.U. would think if they hear that report...we could paint the rocket green and white! :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:



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I have a 4-H rocketry team that could soooooooooooooooooo design and construct this rocket! :D


Hmmm.....I wonder what M.S.U. would think if they hear that report...we could paint the rocket green and white! :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:





Really? You've GOT to do it!

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