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Seeking some thoughts about doing things the WTM way...


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OK, so ds will be 8 and dd will be 6. We will be doing SOTW 1 this year (we did some last year, but decided to put it on hold to work more on DS's reading and math skills, and I wasn't too worried about history study because they did our state history in co-op last year.) How will this affect my 8yo in regards to the 4 year cycle? If he were in public school, he'd be going into 2nd grade this year, but we are doing a mix of 2nd/3rd grade (will be mostly 3rd grade stuff by January.) Starting ancients this year works out right on schedule for dd and will work for youngest ds also (we'll be starting back over with ancients again the year he turns 6), but our oldest will be off a bit. Will he suffer for this in the long run? How does this work to have him moving into Logic stage in a couple of years?


For science, we've done the My Body book, read lots of books about animals, watched Magic School Bus movies, and done Astronomy lightly using Apologia elementary. It's mostly been informal. I want to step it up a bit this year using Discovery Streaming also to go along with each section. I want to follow WTM recommendations, but not doing Life science with Ancients.


I was thinking that the kids would enjoy chemistry and physics this year per WTM recommendations...but we've not really done the sequence. We haven't done any botany study or formal animals study, or any earth science. Is it ok to go ahead and do chemistry and physics this year (about 16 weeks on each)? Then maybe do 6 weeks of botany next summer, and earth science next fall? Or should we go ahead and do earth science in the fall and chemistry in the winter/spring, botany in the summer, and then physics next fall?


How important is it to follow the recommended order? I guess I'm feeling like a rebel for wanting to change it up a bit from the book recommendations! :lol: I'm sure I'm overthinking all of this...anyone else btdt and survived?!

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For science, we've done the My Body book, read lots of books about animals, watched Magic School Bus movies, and done Astronomy lightly using Apologia elementary. It's mostly been informal. I want to step it up a bit this year using Discovery Streaming also to go along with each section. I want to follow WTM recommendations, but not doing Life science with Ancients.


I was thinking that the kids would enjoy chemistry and physics this year per WTM recommendations...but we've not really done the sequence. We haven't done any botany study or formal animals study, or any earth science. Is it ok to go ahead and do chemistry and physics this year (about 16 weeks on each)? Then maybe do 6 weeks of botany next summer, and earth science next fall? Or should we go ahead and do earth science in the fall and chemistry in the winter/spring, botany in the summer, and then physics next fall?


How important is it to follow the recommended order? I guess I'm feeling like a rebel for wanting to change it up a bit from the book recommendations! :lol: I'm sure I'm overthinking all of this...anyone else btdt and survived?!


Work out the WTM suggestions to fit your individual homeschool! If you later decide that your oldest child's schedule is "off," he can catch up with various reading over a summer, or whatever. He'll still be light years ahead of whatever kids have learned in ps.


You'll find that each year will increase the level of work for your kids. It won't be all grammar stage for four years, then a huge leap into logic. You'll be gradually working toward the logic stage as your dc matures, and he probably won't notice much difference from one year to the next.


Do what YOU want for science! It may be convenient to tie in with your history time period, but your children will certainly not suffer if you go down another path. You are the best judge of your children and your/their interests.


One of the things that I have always loved about TWTM is that it's flexible enough for me to do what I want, yet it gives the the guidance that I need to keep us on track. I don't HAVE to check off TWTM boxes; I've always considered us to "loosely" follow TWTM. Have FUN with your school year; enjoying it will give you more confidence as the years go by. :)

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The WTM is just a suggestion, not a prescription. You need to take all the great ideas in there, and tweak them to fit your unique situation.


For history, have you read the chapter about "Starting in the Middle?" Starting with Ancients will be fine. Remember that the main goal is not to learn everything about everything, but to instill a love of learning in your children.


Do what interests you and your children for science! If that's chemistry and physics right now, then that's what you should do. Especially in the grammar stage, I think it is important that history and science are kept fun.

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I believe it says somewhere in TWTM that SWB didn't always follow her own advice :) The important part about the history cycle is not when you do it, but that you do it in chronological order. If your kids want to do chemistry and physics right now, do it! They may never feel inclined to study it again, so make the most of it! The important part of TWTM is the theory. How you put it into practice, if you decide that theory (or some of it) works for you, is entirely your own business. There is no one right path to education. No one is going to put you on a black-list for doing something other than what's recommended! The list would get too long to manage, very quickly.



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We are doing SOTW3 this year. I have a 7th, 3rd, 2nd, and 2yo. Since we started WTM late, my 7th grader will only do the cycle 2x, but that is more than he would do in ps. I have 7th grade doing Apologia General science while 2nd and 3rd do R.E.A.L. science life. We follow interests in science more than the cycle.

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I believe the WTM says it's not necessary to do science in the recommended order, just that it roughly correlates to the chronological history sequence and ability of the kids at those stages. But you can (fairly) easily find resources in each topic for younger or older kids so I'd say do whatever interests you.



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Thank you all. I think I was having a moment of self doubt when I typed that out yesterday! When I talked with the kids about what they would like to learn in science, our oldest ds was so excited about chemistry. So I think we will stick with it as planned and not worry too much! Thanks for the reassurance! :D


As for the issue with History, I'm sure it will all work out in the end...he has had some geography (GTG) and this past year did Ohio history at co-op, so I'm sure it will end up fine. Just a moment of panic!


I think I need to go back and read those sections in the WTM again, it's been a while.


Anyway, Thanks.

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