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Insomnia - URGH

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We moved almost a month ago and I have only had 1-2 good nights of sleep since then and I am finally tired of being tired. My mind spins at night since we had a horrible military move to this base and I keep dwelling on the things I need to do.



HELP! Give me your best tips.


- I only have caffeine early in the morning, usually before 7:30 a.m.

- I walk our dogs several times a week, but I get in some walking daily

- I have a few hot flashes during the night and sometimes night sweats

- I am exhausted when I get into bed, but sometimes it takes hours to fall asleep

- When I do fall asleep, I wake during the night and toss and turn for hours


I hate the idea of taking sleeping pills so I am looking for non-medicated ideas to fight this insomnia, but I am so tired right now that a deep, medicated sleep is looking good right now. :confused:

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Since my hysterectomy and the wonderful appearance of hot flashes all day and all night long, the only thing I have found that works for me (and I have tried everything you can imagine short of actual sleeping pills) is Benadryl. I take two about an hour before I go to bed, along with melatonin (which does not work by itself but seems to keep me asleep after getting there).

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I've tried natural supplements, listening to classical musics, warm showers before bed, yet the only thing works for me is Benadryl or Sleeping pills. Mine is minor enough to not need a prescription. Dh took Ambien once and had very vivid hallucinations, so I refuse to use that one.


I usually take one Benadryl 1-2 hours before bed. Sometimes I have to take two, but that's rare.


The room has to be the right temperature, not too hot not too cold. I have to use a nightlight, a completely dark room gives me nightmares.

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My oldest and youngest are both on prescription sleep meds. My youngest has taken it every night since it was first prescribed 8 months ago, but she is ready to start weaning it down. My oldest takes it on occasion. They are on different meds. The oldest was first prescribed the same med my youngest is taking, but she didn't tolerate it well, so she has a different med now.

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If you get to too tired it makes it harder to go to sleep as your brian is already in its sleep cycle. Turn off computer tv kindle smart phone tablet two hrs before bed. Drink a glass of sleepy time tea and go to bed as early as you can in a cool darken room. Close your eyes roll them all the way up and count up frrom 1 and down from 100 (1, 100 2, 99 ect) to keep you from having racing thoughts. If that has bored u to sleep find a dimly lite room and read a boring paper book and read for about 10 min and try again

Good luck

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