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Scheduling lessons around hubby's shift work .... HELP!

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I'm still kind of new to the forum, but I'm already learning so much!! So many of you have so many incredible ideas!!


I wanted to see if anyone else encounters the same issue we currently have ---


hubby's work schedule recently changed from a traditional M - F 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. to a rotating shift schedule (3 days on / 2 days off, etc). We adjusted (with a bit of a loss) to that schedule, but now we're getting hit with him going to night shift on this rotating schedule. We're a VERY close knit family. We've homeschooled year round for a couple of years now and it's worked out GREAT! Been able to take our "days off" when Dad's home and school while he's at work.


I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed on how to plan our schoolday with hubby asleep in the next room! My kids aren't small (4th and 7th grade), but we still do alot of talking during the day. Don't want to make my kids feel like they have to alter how they participate in class because Dad's sleeping.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!



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How about a white noise machine (or a loud fan) to dampen the noise. My DH needed it very dark in the room when he worked nights - we had a wool blanket over the blinds to darken the room, sometimes he would use an eye mask as well. If simple things don't work, can you homeschool in a different area of the house?

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We have invested in a good, LOUD fan! I'm hoping that will be enough. He's a pretty light sleeper, so it's gonna be an adjustment on all of our parts.


I had thought about the library, but not the park. Thanks for the suggestion! We tried the library for a week or two this past year, but MOM didn't handle it well! I'm not the type to be enclosed in small spaces for long periods of time. The park would be great, though! Just have to come up with some type of "schedule" so we're not playing all day :001_smile:


Thanks so much!

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Hey Maggie Ann!


I know what you mean about missing shiftwork due to hubby being out of a job. Mine was out of a job for about a year between the time he got out of the militay and getting his current position. Is your hubby still out of work??


Thanks for the suggestions! I had just thought last night about using part of the day for educational movies, interactive games w/ headphones, etc. Once he's fully asleep, I think he'll be ok. So I'm thinking doing quiet subjects (reading, spelling, memory work, etc), when he first gets in and waiting til say, after lunch, to do more intensive subjects (math, grammar, science).


I know it'll "work itself out" over time. My dd (12) will do fine. She actually prefers to work individually, but mom still likes the interaction ;)! Ds (9) on the other hand --- any little deviation from his schedule and our day is shot!! Not being pessimistic, but I'm already planning on getting a few days behind while he gets adjusted. Just hoping and praying it'll go smoother than I'm anticipating!


Thanks for you help and encouragement!

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My dh works shift work (12 hr shifts, 3-4 days or nights & transitions between them with between 2 & 6 days off depending on where he is in the schedule). He's done this for 6 or 7 years. I LOVE it. He enjoys it.


We still do school when he's home or on nights.


When he's home, he helps out by keeping some of my youngers busy (taking them on errands, a walk, out fishing, or "helping" with his chores). We also use those days for science experiments or history projects (like the chicken mummification) because he is a HUGE help for those.


When he's on nights, he sleeps as far away from our noise as possible, I ask the kids to "keep it down" (to a dull roar), and he has a white noise maker in the room with him.


I think your idea to do less conversational (noisy) subjects when he's sleeping makes sense. Roll with it & adapt as necessary. It'll take awhile to get into the groove, but you can do it.

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