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? for Weston A Price/ real foodies

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What are some good items to send to a college student in a care package? I would like to send my niece one, who just started across the country, but can't think of much food things to include that won't spoil! I can't in good conscience put candy bars or ramen noodles in one. Anyone have any ideas?? Thanks!

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Lara Bars are a wonderful whole food bar.


Oatmeal, raisins, dried fruit, & other things to make homemade granola.


Candied nuts: heat your walnuts or almonds or pecans in your saute pan until they are well toasted. add maple syrup and stir until crystals form. So yummy! I got this recipe from Nourishing Traditions.


And if she is really following Weston A. Price, she wouldn't want nuts that aren't refrigerated. Nuts that are kept at room temp go rancid easily.


Is there a local natural foods store near her college? Maybe get a gift card for her.

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