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Are the DVDs useful for Analytical Grammar?

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We have used AG with two students and did not use the dvds. The student and teacher books are all you need. Excellent results, btw.

:iagree: Used this for two students with great success and both quickly were able to move through it almost independently without dvds.

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Thanks, everyone. You made biting the $95 bullet a bit easier.

We will forgo the DVDs and I'll be ready for the teacher intensiveness but gladly surprised when it isn't :) Just kidding.

To each his own when it comes to curricula, that's for sure.


I'm looking forward to breaking free from Rod and Staff, if even for a season.

Thanks again.

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We didn't find it parent intensive either. Our children worked the lessons, asked for help if they needed it, and I checked the work. Both times we used AG, we worked through all of the seasons in a little over a year. After AG, we moved on to foreign languages and formal grammar instruction for high school was over.

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I loved the DVD's, but also feel the program would have worked as well without them. They offer no more instruction than the notes in the book.


For ds, it was a great introduction to having someone other than mom teach a lesson. He was 100% responsible for his own class. He is an aspie, and has trouble with that skill.


All I did was correct the work. If I saw recurring issues, I would require him to re-watch the section and do extra practice (that rarely happened).


I love AG!

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