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High School Psychology Course

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This spring I put a high school psych course together for my niece and used the Oak Meadow Psych as the base, and added the books "Brain Rules" by John Medina (I consider a MUST read for anyone) and "Gifts Differing" by Isabel Briggs Myers.


Before reading "Gifts Differing" you should take at least a variant of the MBTI test. You can get a good (and free) estimate of your MBTI type from taking Kersey's Type sorter in the front of his book (though I think his book is more pop-psych). The MBTI is still used by a lot of psychologists, especially favored by HR in the corporate world.


Note that Maslow's pyramid was recently redone and an interesting exercise can be to debate the merits of the new versus the old pyramid (personally, I think they fubar'd the new one up by putting parenting on the top, since that would make it the first thing to be expendable when things got tough. I don't think human history supports that notion, as too many parents have sacrificed their wellbeing and even their lives for their offspring).

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Sonlight offers an AP Psychology course that we did last year.You can buy the textbook from Amazon and order their interactive Psychology workbook that provides excellent support for the parent in using the textbook. Christian viewpoint is also provided. Even though it is labeled AP you can do the course and call it Honors Psych.


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