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Tampa or Omaha?

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Sadly, I have never been to Omaha. Culturally, there is a lot going on in Tampa. The traffic is terrible, and it gets really steamy in summer, but October through March is pretty nice. I go to Tampa a couple of times a year. Where in Tampa? It can be a little dicey there. Neighborhoods vary quite a lot. There is also an awesome ballet school there, so I pick Tampa. But if there was a world class dance school near your Omaha choice, I might choose that. I would still need to get out of the cold a couple of times.


Actually, there is a wonderful ballet school in Bellevue:



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Actually, there is a wonderful ballet school in Bellevue:




I went to dance school there when Mrs. Entenmen was still alive! I have lived in Bellevue almost my entire life. There are good and bad things about the area.


Cost of living is cheap. Crime rate is low. it is easy to homeschool in the state. People love the military around here. People are generally friendly. there are a lot of churches and homeschool groups, both secular and Christian based.



Allergies can be horrible. Snow sucks. I know some people like it but if i never see snow again, it will be too soon!


If i was moving here, I would not live in Bellevue. Choose La vista, Papillion or West Omaha. The majority of things to do are in those areas. The interstate goes everywhere and you can be anywhere in town in about 15 minutes. If you will be living on base or in housing that is one thing but I would choose to live in another area if our house wasn't paid for.

If you would lke any more info, please PM me. I have lived here since i was 6 so I have a wealth of knowledge of the area. :)

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Omaha. We lived in Lincoln for sev yrs, and I miss NE. It's a nice, friendly state. The Omaha zoo is fun, as is the children's museum and the botanical gardens. I only drove through Bellevue on my way to base for the commissary, but it looked nice. I know there are several HS groups in that area.


You couldn't pay me enough to live in Tampa. I was there once to visit a friend, and the traffic was horrible (ppl would honk at you if you didn't run the red right as it turned). And I don't like humidity. I know my friend was glad to psc as she didn't care for it either. They lived 45 min away from base since that's where they could afford a house. I remember her complaining about how far it was to the closest ped for her DD (this was a while ago, things could have changed by now). And they spent most of their time trapped indoors b/c it was too humid to go out and do anything. One of the things she liked was being so close to WDW. They bought season passes and went there frequently.

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Omaha. My mother was stationed in Bellevue for 4 years, she's Air Force, and my aunt and uncle who were also in the air force retired there. It has the amenities of a larger city without as many of the headaches.


As for the cold, I grew up in North Dakota, so I think of Omaha winters as being relatively mild :).


I lived in southern Georgia right next to the Florida border for 4 years, and honestly the heat and humidity of the summers were just as hard for me to deal with as sub zero temps. Also, the midwest in general has much less crime. I'm not saying Omaha is crime free, but nothing compared to Jacksonville or Tallahassee. I loved GA, but I was also glad to get back to the midwest for that reason.

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