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Spanish for a non-reader?


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:banghead: Spanish was supposed to be so easy! I minored in it in college, I was just going to speak to our kids in Spanish. But then I was rustier than I had planned by the time we had them. And the older was in English speaking daycare for a while. And she got super resistant. And now we're school-aged (but much more receptive), and needing to start from the beginning and I am suuuuuper rusty.


I'm really struggling to find something that my K/1ster would do well with. She can read and write, but it's still largely slow sounding out and painfully remembering what to do for each letter, so I don't think asking her to read or write Spanish would be a good way to go. At any rate, I'm much more concerned about speaking and understanding Spanish, with reading a writing distantly behind.


I'm very intrigued by Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish, but can't tell if that would work for me to lead her through or just an older student. Flip Flop Spanish sounded cool, but then seemed to have lots of writing and reviews didn't mention the games and activities the synopsis promised. I'm considering Rosetta Stone, but that sounds more like a good enrichment activity. Same with Muzzy, or just watching Plaza Sesamo. We have many books in Spanish. I want something intentional and progressive as well. I think in my head there is something out there that has a nice sequence of explanation and key phrases/vocabulary supported by songs and games, but I just can't find such a thing. I would *love* not to reinvent the wheel here. Anyone know of one?

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You sound similar to our situation. For the first 2 yrs of dd's life she was completely bilingual, then we overcompensated. And she lost it all. I keep saying I am just going to pick a slot of time and speak Spanish but it hasn't happened. Last year we did a Spanish co-op and it went really well so we are doing it again. I am in the middle of planning a 12 unit (36 weeks) curriculum for basic Spanish immersion using the Usborne First Thousand Words, Spanish bilingual songs, Spanish in a flash flash cards and games. It is composed of basically short review of vocabulary everyday and lots of games all in Spanish. This introduces basic grammar and syntax as a child would learn, through immersion, just on a super basic level. I should be done with the unit overview in a few weeks if you are interested. My goal is not grammar but basic vocabulary and conversation.

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Spanish videos (e.g., Salsa, First Step, Elementary Spanish) would work. As would the Learnables computer program (but not the Basic structures book, although actually I think it could be done, maybe, because there are audio instructions). We use all of these ourselves and have so far been pleased.

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Wow, ByGrace3, that sounds exactly like what I want! I've been waiting to start English grammar until she's reading more fluently, so I hardly want to approach Spanish that way (though Spanish class is when I learned most of my English grammar... ah, whole language...). I think she's young enough to pick it up naturally still. I would love to see what you come up with!


I'll have to look into the videos, Zoo_keeper, thanks for the particular names. I'm hesitant about the computer program as I want to be reviewing myself and would likely set her to her own devices that way ;)

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This is from Ambleside Online, which stresses teaching language by speaking in the early years and only later from writing:


"Lyric Language, Phrase-A-Day, Triple Play, Triple Play Plus, Springboard to French/Spanish are some programs we can recommend."


Also, there is Getting Started With Spanish. We've used GSWLatin orally for about a year now (though we aren't rushing through it) so that might be an inexpensive option. It's not song-y, though, more on the pared-down end of things ...

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Wow, ByGrace3, that sounds exactly like what I want! I've been waiting to start English grammar until she's reading more fluently, so I hardly want to approach Spanish that way (though Spanish class is when I learned most of my English grammar... ah, whole language...). I think she's young enough to pick it up naturally still. I would love to see what you come up with!


I'll have to look into the videos, Zoo_keeper, thanks for the particular names. I'm hesitant about the computer program as I want to be reviewing myself and would likely set her to her own devices that way ;)


Pm me your email and I will send it to you when it is finished. I would think within the next two weeks. Though the first unit is done since we have already started.

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After a lot of thought and research, I decided on Teach Them Spanish!, Grade K for DD's first introduction. I will be supplementing with tons of picture books, picture dictionaries and videos (i.e. WhistleFritz, Little Pim, etc.). I'm working on getting our lesson plans up on my blog, but they won't be finalized for a bit yet. Still working on my picture book list. I definitely wanted something that wouldn't weigh her down reading- and writing-wise.






For the life of me, I can't find a preview of the inside anymore. It's a lot like Grade 1, but everything is matching, circling, cut-and-paste, etc. Very, very little-to-no true writing. There are songs to sing and activities/games to play in it as well.


After it, or maybe next school year, we may use the new Song School Spanish that's coming out next month.

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