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FIAR with Classical Education


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I posted earlier about FIAR and now I've done more research and have a more specific question:


If I use FIAR for 1st and maybe 2nd grade, will I be over-extending myself if I try to include a healthy dose of history? I don't think so, but I don't want to over do it.


Has anyone else done this?

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I am using FIAR on top of everything else- Mostly as a way to keep my 4.5 year old feeling included, although the 6.5 year old is the one who is getting the most out of it. We keep it to 30 min or so a day, and do it right before lunch as our "fun school". Every other week or so we try and go on an associated field trip- this week it's to the airport for the Glorious Flight.


I don't feel like it is "too much"

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I used FIAR for 1st and now 2nd. I usually try to go with the history that is covered in the manual and add a picture book, short bio, or time period book that goes with the lessons. But when we are not doing that we sometimes read from a history reader. It is not too much. Let me give you an example of how I handle the rowingss that include history. This week we are rowing Paul Revere's Ride. For my dd's reading aloud practice she will read from If You Lived In Colonial Times. For our read-aloud time we are reading Phoebe and the General. She will watch Liberty's Kids. One very history-packed week. Not all weeks are like that, some are more science based, or art, etc. But adding a simple history reader (CHOW, SOTW, etc) is not too much. Read it as a bedtime story if it better suits you that way. HTH

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We do FIAR on top of other things. Basically, this happens two ways. I'm doing B4FIAR/ FIAR each week with my ds, which dd usually listens in on. Then, every month or so my dd takes a week off from SOTW and science, and we just do FIAR that week. Even though we're doing SOTW 1, this week we are rowing Clown of God and so we are taking a look at the Renaissance. Next week it will be back to Ancient Greece and our normal science.


I'm doing this just because we love FIAR so much and want to incorporate it somehow, but I'm also pretty sold on the 4 year history cycle.

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The years that I used FIAR as our main curriculum, I just let me son listen to the SOTW cds. We talked about some of the information, but mainly just enjoyed the story of it all. I am going back to FIAR this year with my littles. I am doing geography this year with my older while he reads SOTW 4. I somehow make it all work. :001_smile:

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I used FIAR for 1st and now 2nd. I usually try to go with the history that is covered in the manual and add a picture book, short bio, or time period book that goes with the lessons. But when we are not doing that we sometimes read from a history reader. It is not too much. Let me give you an example of how I handle the rowingss that include history. This week we are rowing Paul Revere's Ride. For my dd's reading aloud practice she will read from If You Lived In Colonial Times. For our read-aloud time we are reading Phoebe and the General. She will watch Liberty's Kids. One very history-packed week. Not all weeks are like that, some are more science based, or art, etc. But adding a simple history reader (CHOW, SOTW, etc) is not too much. Read it as a bedtime story if it better suits you that way. HTH

The insight regarding FIAR has been great. I bought a bunch of the books hoping to do just what many of you have described... doing it on top of other things, just to make the little ones feel apart (I have 3 kids, all 1 year apart). But I was going to try doing the FIAR thing without the curriculum. What do you think? Do I really need it? Thanks.

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The insight regarding FIAR has been great. I bought a bunch of the books hoping to do just what many of you have described... doing it on top of other things, just to make the little ones feel apart (I have 3 kids, all 1 year apart). But I was going to try doing the FIAR thing without the curriculum. What do you think? Do I really need it? Thanks.



Some moms have done that, I couldn't. I guess it really depends on what abilities and strengths you have. Having the manual has been a blessing for me because Jane has a way of finding things in books that I just read over. For example the fog that was mentioned in Paul Revere's Ride. I get the big picture, but the fog escaped me. Jane points it out and we have a lesson on fog. Also the art lessons are really big. I don't have any experience in art. Funny because I have a full grown dd that is an artist. Jane brings out techniques used in the books and my youngest dd is able to try her hand at them. It is things like those that I would miss if I tried to do it on my own, but you may be much more observant than I am. HTH

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Some moms have done that, I couldn't. I guess it really depends on what abilities and strengths you have. Having the manual has been a blessing for me because Jane has a way of finding things in books that I just read over. For example the fog that was mentioned in Paul Revere's Ride. I get the big picture, but the fog escaped me. Jane points it out and we have a lesson on fog. Also the art lessons are really big. I don't have any experience in art. Funny because I have a full grown dd that is an artist. Jane brings out techniques used in the books and my youngest dd is able to try her hand at them. It is things like those that I would miss if I tried to do it on my own, but you may be much more observant than I am. HTH



We used FIAR when my older children were young. I couldn't have done it without the manual. We also used the Bible Supplement and Cookbook.

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