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Ideas Needed ! Welcoming my Sailor son home from Afghanistan.

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I have purchased a big banner for his siblings to hold to welcome him home. Have contacted the Patriot Guard. Purchased flags for everyone to wave. Will have family and friends there. Beer - his request, there is no beer there and hot, will be iced down in my truck. Looking for a huge inflatable beer to take into the airport, or a card board one. Will have his favorite fast food Whataburger there, this is always his first stop when he comes home. LOL


Any other ideas for the airport?


He will get in late and night and a full family and friends BBQ will be done the next day.

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Is this his first deployment?


I honestly think you have a good setup right now. When I read the title I thought, honestly all I want when I get back from deployments is a decent meal and my family. I am sure he is going to be thrilled with your plans and the BBQ. My mouth is watering thinking about What-a-Burger because burgers over here don't come close!


One word of caution is to take things slow, even the things that seem simple. After a deployment of not drinking at all, it won't take much beer for him to get a buzz. Same with food, eating too much rich American food too quick could lead to an unplesant first night back. Let him set the pace for adjusting to being back home.


Other than that have a great time, and enjoy the time you get to spend with him, it sounds like he has a great support network of family and friends waiting on him!

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Has he been out in the field? Is he coming directly from Afghanistan? Or is this just the first time that you have seen him?


If he is coming directly from overseas, then I am just going to warn you (because that is actually one of the volunteer jobs that I do, train families on what to expect), that this may be overwhelming to him. Maybe he has the personality type to want all of that, and that's great, I am not second-guessing you or trying to burst your bubble. But, after a few deployments of my own dh and helping many families through it? It can be overwhelming. My dh takes a hot bath, eats a decent meal and sleeps for 15 hours. They are often mentally exhausted when they first get home. If he is excited to see everyone, great. If he seems like he is getting stressed, then you might want to let him catch his breath at some point during the festivities.


I like this link because it links to many other great resources.


Congratulations on having your son home; I know you must be thrilled!

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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He is just 23, my oldest son. And yes his first trip to Afghanistan.


Thank you! Yes, we will take it easy. He is spending 2 days here at home before heading to some friends in Austin for the weekend. Then back home for the remaineder of his stay. He will only be here 14 days. Then back to Cali.


He is a good son, he knows if he is out with friends that he can call me day or night if he has had a few. He has a sister and brother in law in Austin who are the same. So I feel really good about his choices of places to visit.


I will be sure to get him a double Whataburger, and not a Triple. :001_smile:


Have planned a pretty light BBQ, which normally lasts all day long. We will all follow his lead for sure. I am the niece of two retired Navy members, and have an ex husband who retired also. I understand it is hard when they come home. He is a Corpsman and has had a rough go emotional wise. I am just beyond excited. Thank you Dylan.



Is this his first deployment?


I honestly think you have a good setup right now. When I read the title I thought, honestly all I want when I get back from deployments is a decent meal and my family. I am sure he is going to be thrilled with your plans and the BBQ. My mouth is watering thinking about What-a-Burger because burgers over here don't come close!


One word of caution is to take things slow, even the things that seem simple. After a deployment of not drinking at all, it won't take much beer for him to get a buzz. Same with food, eating too much rich American food too quick could lead to an unplesant first night back. Let him set the pace for adjusting to being back home.


Other than that have a great time, and enjoy the time you get to spend with him, it sounds like he has a great support network of family and friends waiting on him!

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:iagree:This has been our experience with homecomings. The emotions and exhaustion are often so overwhelming.




Has he been out in the field? Is he coming directly from Afghanistan? Or is this just the first time that you have seen him?


If he is coming directly from overseas, then I am just going to warn you (because that is actually one of the volunteer jobs that I do, train families on what to expect), that this may be overwhelming to him. Maybe he has the personality type to want all of that, and that's great, I am not second-guessing you or trying to burst your bubble. But, after a few deployments of my own dh and helping many families through it? It can be overwhelming. My dh takes a hot bath, eats a decent meal and sleeps for 15 hours. They are often mentally exhausted when they first get home. If he is excited to see everyone, great. If he seems like he is getting stressed, then you might want to let him catch his breath at some point during the festivities.


Congratulations on having your son home; I know you must be thrilled!

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Has he been out in the field? Is he coming directly from Afghanistan? Or is this just the first time that you have seen him?


If he is coming directly from overseas, then I am just going to warn you (because that is actually one of the volunteer jobs that I do, train families on what to expect), that this may be overwhelming to him. Maybe he has the personality type to want all of that, and that's great, I am not second-guessing you or trying to burst your bubble. But, after a few deployments of my own dh and helping many families through it? It can be overwhelming. My dh takes a hot bath, eats a decent meal and sleeps for 15 hours. They are often mentally exhausted when they first get home. If he is excited to see everyone, great. If he seems like he is getting stressed, then you might want to let him catch his breath at some point during the festivities.


I like this link because it links to many other great resources.


Congratulations on having your son home; I know you must be thrilled!



He is supposed to go to Cali, then released a few hours later to head to the plane to come here. At 10:25 at night, this is just meeting at the airport then home to sleep. I did ask him if he wanted to have everyone there, and he said yes. There are just a few extra's this time in the way of the Patriot Guard if they come, and banners and stuff.


We will have a BBQ the next day, time is set for evening. And everyone is playing that by ear, it can be moved up. He is in great spirits, much better than I expected. Seriously. I expected he wanted a quiet homecoming. But he has miss so much, a 3 nieces born and his little siblings growing so much. He will have two, just kick back BBQ and chit chat days. This is normal for our family and nothing out of the ordinary. Just hanging out.


But I will watch for signs of stress. Thank you.


This is his first time to Afghanistan, he has almost 6 years in. Was in Japan, then Cali before deployment. He has spent more than half that time in the field. But now rebuilding so he is in camp till he leaves, we think.

Edited by StartingOver
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He is in the middle of a divorce too, from his active duty wife. So much going on at the moment. His spirits are high, and have been very good the whole trip. The losses are hard, but he has a wonderful optimistic attitude and is doing way better than I expected. But will be sure to watch for signs. My ex had PTSD, so I get it. ;-) I just want to give him the welcome home he has requested. This is just a short visit, he hopes to be back for the holidays.

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