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Art of the Argument...I am excited over this, should I be?

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Tell me you loved this curriculum and your kids got a lot out of it. ?


It arrived this week with all my other curriculum and I cannot wait to get started with this. I think I might learn a lot from it myself. For those who have used this, did you like it? Should I be excited over it, or is it just an "eh" program?

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I got mine the other day. Just the TE though. I have seen many good things about it, so I think it will be great. The only thing I am worried about it that it may be too challenging for my DD (this is our first year, and she has no prior logic experience). We are going to spread it out over the whole year I think, so there will be plenty of time for discussion.

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I've wondered about this too. Our co op is using it for a debate class but it didn't work for our schedule (and I'd already oredered The Fallacy Detective!). For those who've used this text, would it make sense to do this after we complete The Fallacy Detective + The Thinking Toolbox or would it be repetitious? I'm wanting to delay formal logic until later in HS.

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We have never really done a formal logic program either. Well, we did use Logig Liftoff one year. But this seems like a whole other ball of wax. We are going to take a whole year with it. My dd is in 8th grade. I keep reading it, and I am learning SO MUCH from this.


I don't understand why public schools do not use these programs. I honestly think(call me crazy) that it may help kids communicate better and cut down on bullying. I don't know, that is probably a pipe dream:lol:

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We used this in our co-op last year, and we plan to do it every other year as we get new groups of kids. We loved it. It was my ds's favorite class.


FWIW - it ties in very well with The Lost Tools of Writing. We didn't know this ahead of time, but we were introducing both programs to the same group of kids in the same year. The terminology is the same and many of the concepts fit well together.

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I just bought the TE. I simply covered up the answers while we orally answered the questions. Then slid the paper down to see if we were right.


The tests in the back have the answers written separately, so I just photocopied the tests for him to write on.


Ruth in NZ

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I just bought the TE. I simply covered up the answers while we orally answered the questions. Then slid the paper down to see if we were right.


The tests in the back have the answers written separately, so I just photocopied the tests for him to write on.


Ruth in NZ


This is kind of what I thought from the descriptions of the two books. Thanks, off to buy one:001_smile:

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