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Another zinc / accutane ?

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For zinc users (teen acne), are you happy you used it? I have read a lot of the prior posts and it seems most people liked it. Did anyone not have results with zinc?


The dermatologist gave us a presc. for accutane yesterday, but I don't have warm fuzzy feelings about it. In my family I have two extremes. My sister in law said it gave her a major skin side effect and hates it. My sister gave it to her teen about 10 years ago and said it was the best thing ever. Her son cleared up in 5 months and never had another breakout to this day. She said do it. The dr. told me if we read the side effects on the drugs, we'd never take anything--- which is probably true!


Anyhow, the acne my child has is bad. It has somewhat improved with an antibotic & retin A cream. I am just not sure I want to put him on the accutane bandwagon right away (at 14). NOTHING over the counter works. Zip. We have been trying for 2 years to get it under control.


Any hive advice for this confused mama?

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My DD had horrible acne. Now she has "normal" teenaged acne. The only difference, zinc! I will admit I was skeptical, but within 5 days her body acne (which was the worst and embarrassed her the most) had nearly disappeared. She still has a few on her back, but she will probably fight them in that location care of being hot and sweaty in her sports bras/leotards for 3 hours a day several days a week.

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I would at least try the zinc first. Accutane can have some horrid, permanent/long term side effects. Not always, but it does happen. One of my girls takes zinc and there is a very noticable difference. Her twin, with the same skin issues, will not take it and has worse acne right now. It does cause some nausea, but that can be reduced a lot if you take it with a full meal.

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Thanks, ladies I think I am going to go get some zinc later on today and give it a try.


One thing that bothers me is that the dr. talked about accutane on the first visit (this was a 6 week follow up yesterday so our 2nd visit). He just seemed more than happy to put him on it after only trying one round of the first thing. It just makes me "pause" because I feel like other means have not been exhausted.


Anyone else?

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Thanks, ladies I think I am going to go get some zinc later on today and give it a try.


One thing that bothers me is that the dr. talked about accutane on the first visit (this was a 6 week follow up yesterday so our 2nd visit). He just seemed more than happy to put him on it after only trying one round of the first thing. It just makes me "pause" because I feel like other means have not been exhausted.


Anyone else?

Well, it's effective. So it doesn't surprise me the doctor jumped to that after antibiotics/retin A didn't work. In his mind he already tried the next most effective thing to accutane.


I did accutane as a teen. It did clear my skin completely for years. It wasn't permanent though. I do not think it's without risk and I've got general hesitations with the levels of A alone. But effects of severe acne on self esteem and social function are also important. I would try the zinc (and better to try it with dairy free if you can) first. But I would consider accutane if those aren't effective. I hope they are.

I've seen some things on light treatment. I wonder if that would be another option before accutane.

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My mother and my brother both have long term side effects from having taken Accutane.


Before I allowed my child to consider it I would try (require) a gluten free, dairy free diet, with zinc for 2 mos.


What kind of long-term side effects? My dd was on accutane last year, and my oldest just started taking it.

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