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S/O Most tear-jerking line in a movie

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ME TOO! Just wanted to know you're not alone. I make my kids roll their eyes when we're NOT watching the movie by bringing this up in conversation ... "And then they hear a dog barking and it's the young dog and he's okay and they're so happy [*sniff sniff*] and then here comes the cat and the little girls is so thrilled and they're all [*sniff sniff*] so thrilled and they're amazed and then what about the other dog? Did he make it? Where's the other dog? Maybe he was too old ... but then [*SNIFF SNIFF*] here comes the older dog over the hill!!!" Lol.


The other one where I have the same reaction is another kids' movie ... The Railway Children. At the end the daddy has been "gone" (in jail, undeservedly) for a long time but has been released. But the children don't know this yet; the oldest girl is told to go down to the train station, but she doesn't know why (I'm getting goose bumps as I type, lol). She standing there and the train stops and everyone starts to unload. Then in the smoke of the train's steam engine, the train starts to pull away again, but there's a man walking toward her. She cries out (I'm crying now) "Oh my daddy!" and runs to him. The "Oh my daddy" is what gets me every time.

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And the part in that movie when Debra Winger's character is in the hospital, telling her oldest son that she knows he loves her, even if he pretends to hate her, and after she's gone to never forget that she knows that.



AUGH! That made me cry right now!


I immediately thought of the pain meds scene too :crying:

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I also cry at the end of "The Incredible Journey" (the kids' movie about the two dogs and a cat that return back to their family), when Shadow, the Golden Retriever, comes back to the family. It's stupid of me to cry---for Pete's sake, it's just a kids' movie, but I still tear up every time!


Well, you are not alone!

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:iagree: Oh, Lord, I just played that on
recently for my kids. They LOVE to watch Mommy cry!


Oh WOW, that was really moving. I've seen the movie several times, but not since I'd really done any reading about the era. It did make me misty!

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Almost forgot! The most amazing movie I'll never forget, but can never see again--Life is Beautiful! Two most amazing scenes! When they are all about to be released, but the father is captured by the soldier--his son sees him, so he can do nothing--instead he acts as though he is still playing the game, and marches off to be shot, so that his son will be safe.


At the end of the movie, the son runs up to be reunited with his mother, still thinking it was all a game, and the last line is "Mama, we won, we won!".


Sob, sniff, sob! Gotta go cry now!


Okay, you've got me crying over a movie I've never even seen!!! LOL I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I type!!! :crying:



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When Sally Field loses it at the cemetery...that's it for me every time. (Steel Magnolias)


When Shirley MacLaine loses it after her daughter dies...(Terms of Endearment)


When the little girl Bernice is begging her Daddy to take her with him, and he doesn't (Hope Floats)

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At the end of the movie, the oldest boy gives up hope on his old dog returning and he says something like "He was too old." He turns to go back into the house, but then his old dog comes over the hill and everything is okay.


It tears me up every time. It is just so hard to watch a boy give up on his dog.




Somebody. Sniff, sniff, sniff. Give me a tissue.



Claire in NM

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