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First day of school...breathe in, breathe out.

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Today was the day.


My younger 2 (2nd and 5th grade) are using the state virtual school through k12 for the first time. (financial reasons) My oldest is doing 9th grade the way we always have.


Today was .....whew....


This was one of the most demanding days I've had in a long time. I felt like a ping pong ball bouncing from one kid to the next. Since it is through the virtual school, I can't streamline by doing my younger 2's history and science together. My 2nd grader needs me right there alot. My 5th grader has learning issues, and so needs lots of handholding.


We started at 8 and finished at 3, with 30 minutes for lunch.


I really hope things settle in and we can move a little more quickly in the upcoming days. I am wiped out.


Now I am sending them outside so I can try to forget that I have children for a few minutes while I straighten up the bonus room that looks like a bookstore exploded in it.


(don't tell me to have the kids do it. I'd rather be alone and clean it up than do anything else. This is also a sure fire way of getting them to entertain themselves. )

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:grouphug: I'd love to hear what you think of k12 once you've settled in. Any reasons you didn't use it for your 9th grader, as well?


I'm sure once you have all gotten used to the new program, and have a routine in place, you'll be able to move at a better pace.

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:grouphug: I'd love to hear what you think of k12 once you've settled in. Any reasons you didn't use it for your 9th grader, as well?


I'm sure once you have all gotten used to the new program, and have a routine in place, you'll be able to move at a better pace.

because the state only goes up to 8th with online public school.


My original preference was for my 9th grader to do the K12 and my 2nd and 5th graders to do our normal thing, but that wasn't an option. So we had to save money doing it this way.


I was hoping that it would streamline the teaching, but it really is designed for (at the younger grades) for parents to be involved on almost every activity.


Oh well. At least recordkeeping, planning, and grading has been simplified.

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