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Oh DH what does it mean...

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when you happily allow me to buy a few new matching pairs of workout clothes, but not so excited about the dressy shoes I wanted to look at?


Or when a few days ago (for the third time in a couple of weeks) that you mentioned "jokingly" me buying the Brazillian Butt Lift DVD :glare:


I'm beginning to wonder about you :tongue_smilie:


I was however quite happy with the new ensembles. I will now be able to be fairly dry when I get done with a workout or run (good wicking abilities). I will also most definitely be seen in my new clothes with the items being starke white, neon blue, neon yellow, neon purple and neon pink/orange. I guess I would have been more worried if you pointed me to the grey, black, and dark blue ones with no reflectors. :auto:...............:eek:




Edited by CountryGirl2
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when you happily allow me to buy a few new matching pairs of workout clothes, but not so excited about the dressy shoes I wanted to look at?


Or when a few days ago (for the third time in a couple of weeks) that you mentioned "jokingly" me buying the Brazillian Butt Lift DVD :glare:



Does it mean that he'll be sleeping on the couch again tonight? ;)

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when you happily allow me to buy a few new matching pairs of workout clothes, but not so excited about the dressy shoes I wanted to look at?





This first part would mean that he spends his money wisely and has to keep me on track. Workout clothes are daily wears around here. I wear them for daily wear, not just for working out. Dress shoes, however, I don't know the last time I've even had an occasion to wear those. But some of them are SO cute!


The Brazilian Butt Lift, however, it would depend on his tone. :glare:

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LOl. I said the above mostly tongue in cheek :tongue_smilie:. He does know I didn't have proper workout attire and was trying to help me out. He says he doesn't remember mentioning the butt lift that many times before...mmm hmmm


He really wants someone to work out with and prefers that to be me because I guess he likes me that much :lol:. I am glad that he does, but I'm definitely not a P90X girl. I'm just not that gung ho...atleast not right now. I also prefer to get out and vary my routine. I like Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, running, fast walking, biking, hiking, etc. And our living room is way too small for two people to be doing P90X together!


His reason for the shoes...."you have enough already", lol. This is why I buy them when I'm off shopping by myself, ;)...

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Unfortunately I just love my teA...:tongue_smilie:


:D I love my teA, too, but I'm not above letting it steep for a bit * to get my point across. It doesn't usually take too long...;)


*Or reminding him I could be the teA Nazi ("No teA for YOU!") should I so choose LOL Granted, that can work both ways, but I find that men look EVERYwhere else before dragging that one out LOL

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This first part would mean that he spends his money wisely and has to keep me on track. Workout clothes are daily wears around here. I wear them for daily wear, not just for working out. Dress shoes, however, I don't know the last time I've even had an occasion to wear those. But some of them are SO cute!


The Brazilian Butt Lift, however, it would depend on his tone. :glare:


He's a mess that's for sure. He's good about letting me shop and mostly never says anything about things I bring home (though he knows I shop frugally so that I can get more items for our money).


After a long, but fun outing today together, I was thinking aloud about it to him on the way home and we both got a chuckle out of it because he certainly didn't mean it to be like it seemed to :D.


As for the DVD, he knows I like variety, but I didn't realize he thought I needed/wanted specific area varieties, :tongue_smilie:

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