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Wish it could have been bean dip...

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FIL called to try to convince us to move back to the midwest (when Hell freezes over...and I don't mean Hell, Michigan). He doesn't understand why we are considering FL. I keep telling him that his son has a maternal cousin down there that kinda needs us and it's near my family. "your family is in Charleston, so why don't you move to Charleston?" uhm, I have family in SC, GA, and FL! We considered all three and decided that Tampa had the most to offer. "well, I thought you loved PA so much that you weren't moving" We've considered moving, but it's no guaranteed thing. We do love this area (other than sociopathic/stalker BIL moving into our city). "well, if you're moving, why not here?" Because, dear FIL, there is NOTHING there for us, we DESPISE the are out there, we moved because the jobs kept disappearing, there's more crime, there's more racial tensions, etc. The only thing that is there is FIL/SMIL (who have not even attempted to visit us in the seven years we've been here...there are two of them and FIL makes a lot of money and there are ten of us and we can't afford it). Even FIL/SMIL state that they have nothing there holding them there (other than they grew up there). He entirely ignored the statement about my husband's cousin. And he doesn't seem to understand how important it is to me to be near MY family. He also didn't seem to get that if we move it will be to somewhere without the same amount of cold, because of my immune system (I'm allergic to the cold...I stay inside during winter). "PA is cold too." Yes, which is why if we move it will not be back to another place that is cold in the winter.


I finally was able to pass the bean dip, but you could tell that he was not happy. The thing is, when we did live there, we only got together when it was convenient for them. They were always busy (work, church, their friends, FIL's jazz band, etc). We were at the bottom of the list.

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I just have enough stress right now. We're trying to hang in there until DH can afford school or win the local contest for a scholarship (worst case scenario, we pay for it in Spring with our taxes). I'm dealing with a landlord that doesn't remember what I tell her, it's been taking us most of a month to pay rent and we're late on water so the city is threatening HER. I'm just tired. All we want is for DH to be able to go to school and get on the road. This is just the one area where there are no loans or grants for and our credit stinks so we can't get a loan from the bank.


The phone call last night was just more than I could deal with. I had trouble going to sleep and nearly had an anxiety attack at the thought of going back to the midwest. (there are things that happened to me there that I'm not going into here, but enough to cause one to have anxiety)

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I'd suggest that for the next while, you let dh handle any calls from his Dad.


I've gotten to the point where I get really blunt/abrupt. "Our plan is not open for negotiation." or "It's not open for a vote" or, "We'll let you know what we decide."

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