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Daily Schedule


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I am trying to do a MOTH type schedule for our school times. I have three kids ages 11, 8 and 6. I feel like screaming. I love structure so, I don't understand why this is so hard for me to do. :confused: Maybe because I see how I need to be available in three places at one time. It was so much easier for me to schedule school when I only had one child to worry about. Maybe I should just look into the loop scheduling I have seen threads on. Thanks for letting me rant. :D

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Hi Stacey,


I'm sort of in the same boat. I know I personally NEED to schedule, at least somewhat, and yet there is something in me that I can't get it done. I wonder if you are like me -- I think I try to put too much in, and then it all goes haywire.

I am so not global, and that certainly bogs me down. I have to stop trying to micro-manage.


Keep up the good work, though, you should see improvement, even if you don't get it just the way you want it.

I hear that with schedules it takes some practice before things start going smoothly. Don't lose heart!

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When I start to make our school schedule, I make a list of what each child is doing. Beside each, I list how much time I think it will take. Then I decide how much needs to involve me and how much can be done independently. For example, spelling would be independent, math needs 15 minutes of instruction and 45 minutes of independent work, and CW would require my attention for the whole time. This allows me to add up how much time I need to spend with each student to make sure I'm not overbooked. Then I take the times and blocks and start to fill things in. Generally, I rotate between the kids. While I am working with one, the other two are either working independently or on break playing together. Here's a link to the schedule we used last year


Our schedule



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I am a schedule fanatic! Keeping it is another matter entirely:bigear:!! I've been working on my schedule for the past month now and it's especially challenging because I work outside of home 4 hours a day but my 3 go with me so I'm trying to schedule what they can work on by themselves while I'm working. I was on a pretty good path last night when my husband took the book (WTM) and drafts papers from me at midnight and ordered me to bed:tongue_smilie: I wasn't sure what a MOTH schedule was until I read the post and abbreviations guide and now I realize that's what I have going. I was going to buy the planner from The Old Schoolhouse's site (or ask for it as a birthday gift) but I think I can come up with one better suited to my own personal needs, by myself. I like the sample that was posted and may follow that some.


One thing to remember; don't forget to schedule time for yourself!

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Liz and Deanna offered great samples of working schedules. My schedule for my 4th, 6th and 8th graders last year was similar. I found it was important to schedule time to work with them when they are at their best - if I wait until afternoon to go over math with my 8th grader, he's shot. My 4th grader, on the other hand, did much better after lunch (a bit grumpy until noon). So when I took that into account, our day flowed more smoothly.


I am pretty structured, and would like to keep the schedule to the minute, but in reality it was more an order for the day. Sometimes it took 30 minutes to go over math, sometimes only 15. If I finished early and the next child was ready, we moved on. If the next child finished early, he had "free time" until I was available. Keeping that flexibility in mind helps a lot.





My children were 4th, 6th, and 8th grades last year. My 8th grader was able to do much work independently, but I needed to schedule time to go over math and Latin with him. (Also to check his completed work).

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I found the whole process of filling out the charts for MOTH very enlightening. It made me realise why I was exhausted and always felt behind, and like a failure for not being able to implement my high ideals. I realised there were literally not enough hours in the day! I cannot follow a timed schedule though, as much as I like structure. I prefer blocks of time.

I only have two kids, but I break our schooltime into 3 parts- first part, independent work, even though I am available to help. 2nd part, our together time, where we do poetry and read alouds and memorywork, and everything we do together. 3rd part, they are on their own again.

Of course, mine are older and do work alone a fair bit. I remember the days when I had to go back and forth between them a lot, especially for my younger. Prioritising helped me work out what was essential and what wasnt, so that we could put most of our time on the core work and not worry so much if the extras dropped off.

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This is my first official year homeschooling (K) and this is the schedule I'm using: http://tanglewoodeducation.com/corebook.htm


Right now it's perfect for my little Charlotte Mason school, and with only one child. I'll let you know how it works for two children (my daughter is 11 months now so we won't know yet!).


In any case I'll let you know how it goes in general. I've heard good things about it. You can even check off things like poetry, music, art and unstructured play indoors and outdoors. And it has a "habit of the week." Love it! I'm not an organized person, so I need the structure. I' searched and searched until I found the right amount of flexibility and structure for us.

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