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Question about how to feed my baby

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Thank you all :001_wub:


He has been having pain with poops (constipated) since I started giving him table food. :001_unsure: I have been trying to give him some juice and water out of a bottle, but he really won't drink much out of a bottle or sippy cup at ALL.


A lot of breastfed babies don't like bottles or sippy cups. Just hold a regular glass for him from time to time. He'll learn to drink out of a cup. I suggest starting this with water, because he will also dump it, throw it, spit it, and play with it.

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Is your doc using charts for *breastfed* babies? If not, his percentiles are likely different on there.


FF babies start off slower on weight gain and pick up in the 2nd half of the first year, whereas BF babies typically do the opposite.


Have his iron levels been checked yet? That can affect appetite.


We used baby led weaning as our intro to solids (finger foods vs. purees).


Check where he is on the WHO charts if you haven't already.




:iagree: all kids are different. I've had kids on both ends of the scale. Lots of eggs, coconut oil, avocado, olive oil.

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My kids all did this, except they dropped from the 9?th percentile into the 20s. If your other kids did it, it is normal.


I also have observed that pattern in other breastfeeding babies. THe charts most doctors use are pretty much useless for breastfed babies.

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