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Clean up with me!

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I have a lot of housework to get done. I don't think I'm going to end up doing it all, but I would like to make the house look better before the baby wakes up.


Who wants to spend some time cleaning "with" me and then share what you got done?

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So far I have:


started the dishwasher. I ran out of room before I ran out of dishes to put in it.:glare:


Cleaned the cat litter box. I miss ds - I have to do his chores while he's at camp!


I'm currently supervising dd10 in the cleaning of her room. This includes going through all of her clothes so it is a big job. I'm taking a break for a moment.

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I'm in!!


DS' 7th birthday party is this Friday. I'm hoping we can be mostly outdoors but we may have to be indoors only if the temps stay in the 90s. So I have to have a perfect backyard and basement and living room and kitchen, of course.


So far today, I have cleaned the guest bathroom and am in the process of steaming the foyer. Then I'll move onto the kitchen and vacuum the basement some more.


Dishes and laundry going.


I need to scoop the litterboxes and get garbage to the curb before 5:30 tonight because I have a canning class and I might be tired after it. :)

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We just had a family clean time and it didn't take long at all.


Kids did dishwasher, cat food and water, trash, recycling, clean sliding glass door, brought laundry baskets down to laundry room, collected library books, helped organize robotics stuff downstairs and carried some things to storage for me. Now they are reading. DS #2 is reading an accounting book of all things (Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand). He finds it pretty interesting but did inform me that he has no desire to be an accountant.



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Dd has gone through all of her clothes. We have a list of what she needs.


We also went grocery shopping and got some lunch out while we were at it.


I was going to go clothes shopping with dd tomorrow but just found out that I need to take MIL to the doctor instead. That is a most of the day job so I don't think we'll be able to do the shopping.


Perhaps we can get some clothes shopping in this afternoon. I'm not sure, though. I've run out of oomph.

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