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Dr. Holistic Hive ... fever question

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I am slowly becoming crunchier and crunchier over time. One of the things I've been trying over the past year is 'letting a fever burn'. This has always been difficult for me because I come from a family of people who yell "SHE'S BURNING UP! GIVE THAT KID SOME MOTRIN!" with a fever of 99. :001_huh:


I've read that bacterial infections burn out at 102 and viruses burn out at 105. I'm not sure if there is any truth here so I'm wondering what you all do. Up until this point I have let them burn to 102.5 and then I treat/medicate. But I'm wondering if there isn't more that I could be doing. Of course I do tepid baths and all of that as well. I have a holistic friend who swears to let them burn to 105... but frankly that just scares the *blank* out of me.




ETA: We don't have any fevers at the moment but it was on my mind and I thought I'd get some opinions. That way I'm more prepared next fever. ;)

Edited by MiniBlondes
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I would not do baths without also doing motrin (or tylenol). Otherwise, if you cool down the body, the body wastes that much more energy getting the temp up to the fever level.


FWIW, our ped (and all the peds we have had) recommend using motrin or tylenol at 102 and up. I use motrin as soon as they get cranky and uncomfortable.

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One doc I know (a new doc, so the residency test & all the official answers are still fresh :tongue_smilie:) said that at her hospital, they don't medicate until over 105, and that lower numbers scare parents but aren't actually close to harmful. I personally medicate once it hits 103 generally, esp if they can't sleep at all from it.

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One of my dd's has zzero tolerance for fevers. She's certain she will die at 99 degress. I put her in bed with her fever and medicate at 101. The main reason I put her in bed is so she can have some quiet.


My other dd is one of those kids that won't complain until 103. She will also get up and bounce around if you give her something for her fever. I'll let her keep a 103 for a couple of hours.


HOWEVER, no matter what a thermometer says, if my child starts doing the fast and shallow breathing that comes with a higher fever, then I medicate and consider taking her to to the doctor. A high fever for more than 24 hours with no known cause will also generally get a trip to the doctor.


I once took the older dd to the ER for a fever - it was 104 and she had no other symptoms. The ER doc confirmed that there was a virus going around whose only symptom was a fever of 104. He said to check in with her doctor if it didn't break in 3 days. It did.


After years, I learned to trust my instinct and experience with my kids more than a thermometer. I don't have one anymore.

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I medicate more based on behavior/comfort than on absolute temp. If dc is acting ok, not complaining of headache or otherwise uncomfortable, I will wait on meds. If dc is feeling carpy and has chills, or headache etc. I will give meds. I am inn favor of a fever burning itself out if possible. :001_smile:

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I'm pretty lax about fevers too, but heads up-- if there's a fever on and off it could be a sign of a secondary infection setting in-- I had no idea until my DS had to be hospitalized for pneumonia :( I was way off on that one. Definitely watch the breathing patterns.

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