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For whatever reason I am really, really struggling on finding the right program for my youngest who is a "young" 9 visual-spatial young man. While I love HOD this is not the greatest fit for him in the younger years because the readings are too short - just as he becomes engaged in the story it is time to do the activity and move on - he needs longer reading.


I've been doing a lot of research on VSL kids and while SL doesn't seem to be the obvious choice apparently it is; especially in the younger years because these kids develop lots of vocab and pictures in their head as they listen to these stories. I guess some kids need some hands-on stuff and he is one that enjoys a short, short activity (the one thing in HOD that mostly worked if it wasn't too babyish) but this is not a deal breaker for this particular child.


I originally thought about starting with Core B (1) but I think that is mostly on the young side but Core D would be on the older side (I've begun to think like Goldilocks here - too hot, too soft,....) so now I'm looking at either Core C (yes, I know starting in the middle but not sure that at 9 he necessarily has a great grasp of historical time anyways) or Core B&C. Everything I've read says B&C is very overwhelming - is this true? doable? reasonable?


Cost is a big issue for me this year as we've got one heading into CC so our budget is perhaps a bit tighter this year. I feel bad even looking at something else seeing as I have HOD's Bigger on my shelf but those Eggleston books - not going to cut if for this kiddo.



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I started with SL when my son was 8 1/2 (3rd grade). I decided then to go with Core D and it was too much. I wish I had started with core B&C. I skipped the next year (did something else) and then went on to E, F and this year he is doing G.


I haven't done the combined cores, but I think your 9 year old will be fine with B&C.

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B+C sounds good for you; adding in some of the map work/coloring pages/actvities in the SOTW Activity Guides might be enjoyable for your VSL. It has been for my VSL--he especially loves maps.


A cheaper alternative to the markable map is this one; he could color and label and mark it up as you go along. I recently read a blog post that mentioned doing this, and it looks like fun, especially for a visual kid.

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Would I, in the long run, be better off with just staring with Core B? I'm so worried that I won't have enough time to read and do all the B&C stuff with teaching 2 (actually 3 - will need to help my oldest get settled with community college courses and will be tutoring him on writing) - I really had hoped on combining my 2 youngest in some sort of history course but I don't think that is going to be a good fit (my rising 7th grade ds has begun that teenage independence thing which is good so I want to be able to help encourage that independence as much as possible).



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We used B+C when it was 1+2.


The readings were a bit longer to compensate for combining and I could tell. It was hard for us to go from Core B (then K) to 1+2. My dd just wasn't ready for 'that' much more information than she got in K.


So if you are concerned about it being too much, start with Core B. If you get through it quicker, you can move on to C. If not, then, well...no biggie. :)


If you are already feeling the stress of time constraints, then B might be better. You could do the 4 day option, which would give you an extra make-up day if you get behind in the schedule.


And fwiw, we've used cores P3/4 through Core E. The only cores we finished in their entirety were the preschool ones. And my kiddos have still gotten a good education. :001_smile:

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Hi, Heidi!


We are previous SL users who have also used two years of HOD. I've used the old Core K, 1, 2, 3, and some of 3+4. I have also taught Little Hearts, some of Beyond Little Hearts, Bigger Hearts, Preparing and Creation to Christ. I love HOD and have blabbed on this board many times that we would use it forEVER!!! :D


Well, my youngest son did Bigger Hearts this past year. I have always thought that he is an auditory learner but we had some frustrating days this year for a variety of reasons and I began to see that he is in fact a VSL who loves to read and be read to. I don't know how I missed it for so long. The things in Bigger Hearts that I thought should be appealing to a VS learner did not appeal to him. He does not need or want hands-on activities (other than the many that he comes up with on his own) and he detests notebooking (even though he will draw and write on his own as the spirit moves him). He is NOT a Charlotte Mason kind of kid. One thing that was great for him and which we will continue is HOD's studied dictation. So, atleast I figured that out.


He will be doing Core C next year. We actually started this week.


I think Core C is a good option for you. Core C is full of many wonderful stories. The history encyclopedia that is used has strong images, as do the geography books. Once you get into D and E there are no more illustrated books, atleast not in the year that we used. I wouldn't worry about starting C before B. I like Core B, but the readings are pretty light and if you think your son wants more reading and stories then I'd say go with Core C.


Core C will review the history from Core B. Now, it is a quick, brief review but it's not like you are just dropped right into history "mid-way" with no explanation. The review in the first week is meant to be lightly touched on. The reading that is scheduled is way too much to cover each day, if you read the book. The IG tells you to not even read the pages in the history book, but to just talk about them. However, what I'm doing is taking two weeks to cover the first week. That way, we ease back into school, and we are actually reading the history book and not just looking at the pictures and talking about it. We are reading all of the pages and the history notes in the IG. You could easily add content to the first couple of weeks to give a fuller picture of Ancient history before getting into Core C if you want to. You could use library books or any that you happen to have on hand for that time period.


Did you do Little Hearts? If so, I'd count that as plenty for exposure to Ancient History and move on. If you continue with either SL or HOD, your child will get plenty of history over the years.


Now, if you want to keep the day a little shorter, then Core B would work fine too. I like Core C much more than Core B, but that's my opinion. The books in Core B are great too. Something about Core C just really excites me. It's my favorite of the SL Cores we have done so far.



Edited by Donna T.
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Thanks so much Donna for your insight - especially in comparison with HOD. I, personally, would have been an SL kiddo because I loved to read (I grew up overseas with no tv/no distractions) and my kids are all so different - especially my youngest with VSL traits. I didn't use Little Hearts although I tried - not a good fit. I used Beyond last year with him and so many times I'd finish reading something and he couldn't even remember what I read about - it just didn't hook his attention. The craft projects were okay - but certainly didn't help him retain anything or make a connections. I've used Beyond and Bigger in their entirety for my middle ds and he loved them but he's dyslexic with auditory strengths so it was fine except for the writing. I've also used RTR for my dd (another dyslexic kiddo) and the reading was too much for her but, in reality, the older guides would probably be a better fit for Mr. VSL later on down the road. I have many of the books for Preparing but he's not ready for the writing portion because I've thought about just using the history portion but I really love the books from SL so much more. It is nice to know that we wouldn't necessarily be dropping in to the study of history in the middle of things and frankly he'll have more exposure to ancients later when his mind is probably more able to retain and actually get more from it. I think I'll have to look a little more closely at Core C - now that I've got the approval to do :-)


I greatly appreciate all that have helped me talk through this decision - grateful to all!!!!

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