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Need advice/encouragement...starting back to college while homeschooling next year.

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Need to hear from those who have done this before. I will be starting back to college in August around the same time that we will be starting back our homeschool. I am excited, just very nervous about fitting it all in. Hoping to get some advice or tips on how to make it work. I am trying to be as realistic as possible with how many hours I register for & what outside commitments we make for the upcoming year. My classes will be online, so there will be some flexibility there...but the work still has to get done.


Not really getting encouragement from some around me. I've been hearing a lot of sarcastic "Well, good luck with that" and "Geez, glad that's not me." Not very encouraging.


I know someone out there has done this before & succeeded.:bigear:



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I've been working on advancing my degree since last May. In addition to homeschooling and graduate school, I also work part-time. It can be done!


Avoid the naysayers. Set priorities for activities. Avoid timewasters. If you can do this, you will find that there is plenty of time for the important stuff.


I also homeschool year round which helps when I'm in the middle of a particularly time consuming course.


Best of luck!

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Good for You! Sounds like fun!

I think it very much depends on how many classes/credits you will be taking. Certainly doing college work is compatible with homeschooling - the tricky part is probably going to be the 1yo in the mix. Finding the time to get your college work done with an active toddler will certainly be a challenge.


What worked for us was for me to get up early and get my work done before the toddler was really up and about. She was a slow-starter in the morning anyway, so was happy to listen to kid music and poke through her breakfast, which usually bought me another hour in the morning as well.

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I am half-way through a 2 year masters program. I am a night owl and don't. We'd much sleep so most of my own course work gets done late at night after the kids are in bed. I also work along side the kids so when they are doing independent work, I may be reading my text as well.


DH is also in school as well as working full-time and we have a crazy activity schedule, but we make it work. I am okay with not having a perfectly neat house or home cooked meals from scratch every night. ;)

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I did it back when my 11yo was 1yo, graduated when he was almost 4. I only had to school oldest and he was 1st grade, so not very intensive. The last semester was the hardest. I had used up all the online classes I could take, so had to take 4 F2F classes. Lucky for me, DH was able to take off one weekday and take the kids to their activities. Mom could take them on the other day, and I was able to get all classes on those two days! You can do it!! Limit outside activities to ones that are necessary for sanity, yours or the kids. Use schedules!! For both you and the kids. If they are doing independent work, you work on your school too. Involve them. I had several classes that covered Shakespeare and Renaissance England. That became our history. I read to them stuff I needed to read anyway, we watched movies (if they were suitable, unsuitable movies became part of date night for me and DH). Multi task. Don't be afraid to bribe the older ones to watch the 1yo for an hour while you study or write a paper.

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What are you going back to school for? I love hearing about what people are trying to achieve. It's great that it's online! If you're not doing it already, maybe start an afternoon quiet time for the olders (while the 1 yo sleeps) so you can work for a few hours uninterrupted? Good luck!:001_smile:

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My kids were younger than yours, but I got my BA while homeschooling. I wasn't homeschooling yet when I started, but when I completed my degree my older two kids were in 1st and 3rd grade, so I homeschooled for a good part of it (and had a baby). I went full-time and the majority of my classes were online. I just did school with the kids in the morning and did my own schoolwork in the afternoons (and sometimes my reading in the evening). I guarded the time I had set aside for the kids' school and my school and let nothing take precedence over it. It was not easy, every minute of my day was busy, but I did it. So you can, too. :001_smile:

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Wow!!! Thank you all so much for the replies. They are such an encouragement to me. I will have to print these off & keep them for future reference.


KatA....I am working toward finishing up my BS & going on for my Masters in Christian Counseling. Specifically, I would love to work with people who have struggled with Anxiety & Panic Disorder.


Thanks again everyone!

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