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Are You Looking for an easy-peasy art plan for early elementary?


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I've posted about this before, but since everyone seems to be in the midst of planning for the upcoming year I thought I would throw it out there again.

I used to slack big time on art. I just didn't know where to start. It's not something that comes intuitively to me.


Recently I reviewed a fun music CD that has songs about 10 different artists. It was just the spring board I needed to create a fun 10 week mini-artist appreciation unit for my young kids.


Hopefully it will help someone else who is stuck in a rut. (I am still posting my updates as we get to each artist. I will be posting Alexander Calder this week)

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You're welcome everyone! My girls are really having fun with it. Amazing how much music can motivate. I walked in the other day on the girls' Uncle singing the song on Grandma Moses. He stopped mid-tuned - glared at me and said, "Thanks A LOT! I can't get this song out of my head!" Then he laughed and said he was actually glad that now he knew Grandma Moses was. :lol:


I hope you guys find it useful. If you end up doing anything be sure to let me know. I'd love to see what you come up with and possibly add to my list.



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