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Thinking about MUS Algebra...

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There are some concepts that my son is having a difficult time grasping in Algebra. He over-thinks problems, makes them so seriously complicated, he wants the solution to be harder and the formula to be more difficult than it actually is. I am considering getting him MUS Algebra because it seems that it is more visual and easy, so it may show how simple some of the formulas really are.


Does any one have experience with MUS higher maths: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, Calculus?

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Dd used MUS pre-algebra and ds used MUS Algebra last year. MUS has a bad reputation for not being challenging enough. Their word problems in particular are very simple. On the other hand the math is presented in a very structured way that is understandable.


For my kids, this has been a great fit. We add LOF in the summer to get the extra word problem practice and cover any concepts that might have been missed.


We did standardized testing this year and both my kids tested very well in math which I consider to be their weakest subject. Just for the record, it became their weakest subject using a spiral math program in ps, not MUS. MUS has been a big help.


Other programs you might consider are Math Relief and Keys to Algebra. I haven't used either one, but they are highly recommended here for kids struggling with math.

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Thanks so much for replying. I'm going to look into Math Relief now too.


I just don't get the sample MUS video. Does the program make more sense if you start from the beginning? Do you have to have order the manipulatives to use the program?

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Thanks so much for replying. I'm going to look into Math Relief now too.


I just don't get the sample MUS video. Does the program make more sense if you start from the beginning? Do you have to have order the manipulatives to use the program?


I would think that, yes, a few of the lessons would make more sense if you have been using it from the beginning. I'm not sure what you are referring to as far as the video goes. Was it the factoring of equations/building a rectangle that you didn't get? The students have been "building" multiplication/area problems since the gamma level. So he builds them in Algebra to show that you are still just doing the same thing - factoring.


I would not think you would have to buy the manipulatives for Algebra. He uses them on the video. I remember only one or two lessons where my girls dragged them out to build a few equations on their own.



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Thanks so much for replying. I'm going to look into Math Relief now too.


I just don't get the sample MUS video. Does the program make more sense if you start from the beginning? Do you have to have order the manipulatives to use the program?


I'm not sure what the sample video looks like. We started with Epsilon (fractions) which is hardly the beginning. There were a few times when he used explanations based on things he had taught in previous years and we kinda went :001_huh:. But, it wasn't a problem. I don't think it would have been a problem to start at Algebra at all. Steve is an excellent teacher. Your kids can read the lessons in the TM too if they learn better that way. My dd is annoyed by Steve's sense of humor, ds thinks he is hilarious.


Don't get the manipulatives. That is the one thing that doesn't make much sense when you come in late. Trying to figure out how to use them in Pre-Algebra or Algebra is just too late. He only uses them a few times in Algebra and watching him do it is enough. It is nice to see a concrete, visual demonstration of factoring equations, but for my kids actually trying to do it with blocks didn't make sense to them. I think you need to do multiplication and division in the elementary levels for the blocks to really click.

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MUS has a bad reputation for not being challenging enough.

We used MUS from K through Algebra. I wanted to stay with it through high school, but it was seriously lacking in the challenge department. You can read more about my experience in the first thread below. That said, they have revised the program since I used it, so perhaps I would find it more acceptable now. But, I believe they still don't teach the quadratic formula in Algebra 1 and that's fairly standard.


I haven't watched the sample video. By the time we got to Algebra, we barely ever used the manipulatives.


MUS in High School


MUS through highschool?


Good luck!

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But, I believe they still don't teach the quadratic formula in Algebra 1 and that's fairly standard.



Sue is right about that. MUS does a good job of teaching factoring, but when you get to equations that can't be factored, they stop instead of teaching the quadratic formula. Having followed MUS with standardized testing and LOF Beginning Algebra, I'm pretty sure this is the only thing missing from a standard Algebra course.


Ds learned it in LOF.

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MUS does a good job of teaching factoring, but when you get to equations that can't be factored, they stop instead of teaching the quadratic formula.


Just to clarify, the quadratic formula is taught in MUS Algebra II. I didn't want future readers to think that MUS just leaves it out completely.

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