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s/o: Do any mom's work full time and homeschool?

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So I am seeing lots of moms who work part time, but what about full time? I am going back to work, it looks like, this fall. I have a 6YO and an 8YO and dh will be home. He is not the teaching, details, kind of guy...but I think I can leave him in charge of independent work, math, and science. I am going to try and do TOG with the girls four times a week (into which I will include writing and history and geography) plus latin. I'll still do the planning. Am I crazy? Anyone have any encouraging words or stories or experiences?

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I found that dh works best with workbook kinds of things. So MM, MCP phonics, SWO, Zaner-Bloser gets done with dad. I do the more teacher intensive items on the days I'm home.


FTR, I worked a 40 hour week until 18 months ago. Since then, I've been reduced to 30 hours. We kept this same plan and just tweaked it as necessary.

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So I am seeing lots of moms who work part time, but what about full time? I am going back to work, it looks like, this fall. I have a 6YO and an 8YO and dh will be home. He is not the teaching, details, kind of guy...but I think I can leave him in charge of independent work, math, and science. I am going to try and do TOG with the girls four times a week (into which I will include writing and history and geography) plus latin. I'll still do the planning. Am I crazy? Anyone have any encouraging words or stories or experiences?



I'm in the same situation. I've been winging it (and getting most of our work done on weekends), but now that DD8 is moving into third grade, I'm trying to get more organized regarding schoolwork during the week.


It's really tough to do school after getting home from work, and I'm hoping this computer-based curriculum will help DH get most of the schooling done during the day.


My DS6 will still be in workbooks since he's perfecting his writing skills, and I'm planning on spending some time with DH to show him how to work with DS on those. I'll probably still be spending time on weekends to catch up on anything not finished on a weekday.


I was homeschooled from 6th-12th, and I know once we get the kids to a certain point, they'll be able to mostly work independently. I'm looking forward to that day! :D

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That's how our house works. I do all of the planning. I try to only pick curriculum that is already completely planned out. During the day they do Climbing to Good English, independent reading, and (sometimes) History. The rest is left for at night. :glare:


It will be interesting to see how 3rd grade goes with this approach it is getting harder to get everything done at night. But, between the 3 year old, the 1 year old we baby sit, and a new infant, I doubt they will get more done during the day anytime soon.

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I work full time depending on the week (some weeks are more like 60 hours, some are in the 20's). Obviously then there is more time on my lighter weeks for school, but the really busy weeks are even harder than just a regular FT job - so I think it balances out! I work pm's / overnights / weekends.


It is hard :( We get our work done, but my daughter is just in K/1 right now. We do school whenever we can, whenever I am home. Sometimes it is mornings, afternoons, weekends, and even some evenings.


We do a 8 week schedule where we have 6 weeks of school, one week off (like a sabbath schooling schedule) but I have added and 8th week at the end for catching up on material that wasn't done. If we stayed on track, we will either review material, look ahead to the next 6 weeks, or just do some fun projects/field trips to fill that week.


Lesson planning saves me so I know whether I am getting enough done in a week and in a 8 week cycle. I can't just do as much as I think I need to / feel I can every week. I need to know that we're doing enough.


Good luck!


Oh, my DH doesn't really help. I will occasionally leave him a worksheet, or ask him to have her read to him. He doesn't really like to though, so it often doesn't get done. I don't plan on him helping, if he does, it is a perk!

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