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got the AC working again last night, before bed!

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I had tried flipping the breaker to reset it, but nothing happened. I think turned the whole thing off for a while, then DH flipped the breaker back and forth again, turned it all back on, and it works. No idea what the problem was, but we are still having someone check it this morning to be sure it is ok. (personally, i think maybe it overheated from the filter not being changed for way too long, or it was the power outages/brown outs we had in the last few days from the tropical storm.)

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Good luck! We are having ours replaced this afternoon (luckily, as we have temps of 100+ for the next several days). Turns out our compressor and fan motor were basically shot and it wasn't cost-effective to just fix those given the age of the unit.


Initially I was really bummed, because we certainly don't need this expense right now, but then I've realized it could be a blessing that, if it was going to happen, it happened now. As it is, we can get it replaced before the 100+ degree stretch of days forecast to start tomorrow, we've had unseasonably cool temps the last couple of days so we haven't needed the a/c, the credit union was offering a great credit card deal that we can use to finance it, we'll get to reap the benefits of a more efficient system for the bulk of the summer, etc. Better than it crashing during a huge heat wave when there might be so many folks needing service that we would have delays in getting it repaired.

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