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Which extra practice book for singapore?


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I used the Challenging Word Problems, a year behind where we were in the text. They are just as they sound, hard word problems like the ones in the workbook and then some. They cover the same topics as the corresponding text for those that mastered the material and want a bigger challenge. The intesive practice is more of the same practice as the workbook for someone who hasn't picked the material up yet and needs more practice.

The singapore website has descriptions too.



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I heartily second getting the CWP book. It helped my ds immensely. I found the Extra Practice book to be just that - additional practice in the topics. The Intensive Practice book ratcheted the difficulty up a notch. It starts out at about the same level as the workbook and then becomes progressively harder forcing the child to think about the concepts and then apply them in types of problems he didn't see in the workbook.

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The Intensive Practice book ratcheted the difficulty up a notch. It starts out at about the same level as the workbook and then becomes progressively harder forcing the child to think about the concepts and then apply them in types of problems he didn't see in the workbook.
:iagree: There's no bumbling through with IP. The student has to *know* the material to be able to do the problems.
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Is any particular one better?


They all have different objectives. Extra Practice is more of the workbook -- practice, drill. Intensive Practice is just that -- more intense, deeper -- application, extension. CWP focuses on word problem solving -- a skill set all its own, above and beyond the arithmetic skills involved.



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They all have different objectives....skills involved.


:iagree: I use different things with different children. One does IP and CWP. Another does only CWP and extra practice. Two of mine also use another program during the school year, but I use the Extra Practice and CWP with them during the summer.

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We have used up through level 4 (4A, 4B, CWP, EP). I tried IP for several levels, and my problem w/ it has to do w/ my laziness (;-p) The IP has Exercises that span many pages. You can't simply ask the child to "do the exercise", as (at least for my kiddo) it is too long. So you have to look through and pick/choose which problems you want him to do. For EP, the exercises are a similar length to the ones in the workbook, so you can simply assign the next one.


I know this sounds "weird" or maybe "lazy" to be concerned with, but math is something my kids generally do on their own. We do a lesson and cover several exercises worth of material. Then for the rest of the week, DS can do math on his own each morning (he usually does it as soon as he's up and awake - it's his way of easing into school!). When we were doing IP, he kept having to come to me (while I was feeding the the other DC, cleaning the kitchen, getting myself together for the day, etc. - read, NOT READY YET!! ahhh!!), to ask me "how much should I do?" or "which ones?", etc. It just wrecked that part of our system.


I am glad that IP exists, b/c if there is a topic that DC doesn't seem to be mastering well, it is another source to go to for more practice. But it is usually my last choice.


Anyway, just some ramblings here! Hope that makes some sense....


- Stacey in MA

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