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Fully school with iPad or back to basics?

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Throwing an idea out here to see what others think. We have 4 iPads in our house and 2 are used by our kids (ages 4 and 2...with limited time and we are actively involved..aka...no they are not in their rooms alone playing forever!) They are only allowed to play with educational games (no angry birds allowed in this house!!) there are so many great apps available that we were considering homeschooling with just our iPads and parting with the endless supply of books, educational supplies, curriculum, etc that is taking up so much space in our house. So much of our stuff is never played with. We want to travel so the idea of just worrying about grabbing the iPad instead of math, books, phonics, states, Bible, etc supplies sounds so much more appealing to me. They both have the stylus pens and have writing, coloring, etc programs along with math, geography, flashcards, etc. everything is at their fingertips! My main concern is obviously eyestrain, and then I'm torn because, is having manipulative, puzzles, books, etc in real life form better than just having it on a touch screen? They can carry an endless supply of books on the iPads, pages won't tear, puzzle pieces won't be lost or broken, etc. Apps are so much cheaper, and we've spent so much money on "real" curriculum and games. How does one decide?! I asked my 4 year old (will be 5 in october) which way he would rather do school (just curious) and he of course said iPad...and it takes so much planning time off of me and endless printing but if the old way is a better way I'm dedicated to do it however these kids need. So, what are your thoughts, pros and cons?

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I wouldn't only use electronics for children that young. There is so much that kids learn by using manipulatives, paper books, physical handwriting etc that affect the brain. Occupational and physical therapists have entire careers with helping people, whose brains and bodies aren't functioning quite right, to overcome these struggles. Many of the tasks they work on are basics like finger grip, crossing the center line with items and using movement to facilitate learning.


I absolutely think you could educate a child with electronics alone, and hope they learn the rest during play time....but I wouldn't try it without a really good reason to.


I don't know, I guess the difference to me would be the amount of time they spend in a a '2D world' vs a '3D world' that requires physical manipulation.

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:iagree: That seems like more screen time than I would be comfortable with for children that little. I would like an ipad to use for worksheets, maps, and such that I'd otherwise be printing, but I don't see it being the only thing we use, especially for very young children.

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I agree with you all so far. I see myself just continuing the iPad as just a supplement to our schooling. The idea of less clutter is appealing though! Haha! I'm guessing as they get older they'll lean more into the computer learning. I love curriculum, hands on, worksheets, etc so when my husband suggested iPad use as our main source of schooling, I did like the idea of everything being right at our fingertips, but.....preschool/kindergarten/toddler learning is, at least in my opinion, hands on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought an iPad last spring but my children will only use it as a supplement at this point. One of the main reasons is that I want them confident in their handwriting ability with pencil and paper. I have some concern that a lot of stylus-writing might counter early handwriting skills. Just today I put some worksheet PDF's on the iPad for her, but they are just the type where you circle answers, draw lines etc....

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