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freaking out..if you have experience with fifth's disease please help!

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I had Fifth's (parvovirus) as an adult, and it was not a trivial thing. I had high fever, severe pain in my joints, and a few days later the lacy rash and very swollen joints (hands, ankles, knees). I am going to guess that you don't have it, as adult cases are usually pretty intense.


Your doctor can easily do a blood test to determine if you have it though. I hope not, for you and your baby's sake.:grouphug:

Edited by SwallowTail
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Did you see this from the CDC?


Fifth disease is a mild rash illness caused by parvovirus B19. This disease is usually not a problem for pregnant women and their babies.


About 50% of pregnant women are immune to parvovirus B19. So, these women and their babies are usually protected from getting the virus and fifth disease.


Pregnant women who are not immune usually do not have serious complications after they are exposed to others with fifth disease. They usually have only mild illness. Also, their babies usually do not have any problems. However, sometimes a baby will develop severe anemia, and the woman may have a miscarriage. But, this is not common. It happens in less than 5% of all pregnant women with parvovirus B19 infection and more commonly during the first half of pregnancy.

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It does not sound like Fifth's to me. Most adults don't really present with only a rash. And if it was, you'd have it in other places as well. Like on your thighs. Fifth's is a very lacy looking rash, and itching isn't always present.


Also, adults with Fifth's tend to have joint pain similar to arthritis. It travels from one set of joints to the next, and can last for months. When I had it, I thought I'd sprained an ankle, it was that bad.


Sorry, I needed to do more research, since my specialty isn't obstetrics. It can cause fetal anemia in the second and (rarely) the third trimester. See your OB if you want your titers checked. But honestly, from what you described...it doesn't sound like Fifth's to me.


I'm guessing you have contact dermatitis. It can last for a week to ten days after an exposure to an irritant (which can definitely be hot water).

Edited by DianeW88
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My kids got it when I was pregnant with #5. They had "slap cheek" and a lacy rash. I had my titers checked. I was not immune and I did not have it. I was nervous, but everything was ok. Unfortunately, it can be very serious even past the first trimester. I know someone who lost her baby at 20 weeks because of this virus.


Yours doesn't sound like Fifths, though....

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