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Algebra II question

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I'll be using Foerster's Algebra & Trigonometry. My dd will just use the first half for Algebra 2 and the 2nd half for trig the following yr. I'm adding in the Math Without Borders CD for teaching. To me, Foerster's had very clear explanations.

When choosing texts, I like to get as many as I can from the library (if they're secular~most libraries I assume won't have homeschool or christian publishers, these I try to borrow from friends) and compare.

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My teen used Margaret Lial's Intermediate Algebra for Algebra 2 after using Jacobs' Geometry. She used Beginning Algebra also by Lial for Algebra 1.


You'll find that there are many choices, so good luck!


I second Michelle's recommendation of seeing the books in person. If your library doesn't have a book of interest, try obtaining it through inter-library loan.




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I'll be using Foerster's Algebra & Trigonometry. My dd will just use the first half for Algebra 2 and the 2nd half for trig the following yr. I'm adding in the Math Without Borders CD for teaching. To me, Foerster's had very clear explanations.

When choosing texts, I like to get as many as I can from the library (if they're secular) and compare.


This is exactly what ds will do. He did Jacob's Algebra in 8th, followed by Jacob's Geometry this year. We are also adding in the Graphing Calculator supplement available for Foerster.



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I second Chalkdust. Dd needed someone to teach her and Chalkdust was a great fit. However, I watched it with her and paused it when I saw that she was zoning or I knew she didn't 'get' what he was saying. We'd work the problem on a white board and then resume the dvd. She's a capable math student but she doesn't care for math so she needed the supervision to do more than 'get by with the basics'.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm looking for advice on choosing an Algebra II program.

Thanks so much,



Hi, This is David Chandler, author of the Math Without Borders materials (see http://www.mathwithoutborders.com). The Alg II videos, based on Foerster's Algebra/Trig text, will be completed by this fall (currently finishing Chapter 11). It has two videos for each section in the text: one with the classroom lecture component, and one with detailed worked-out answers to selected problems. Alg I, also using Foerster, is complete. For geometry I use a different format (not video; lots of Geometer's Sketchpad demos) based on Geometry: A Guided Inquiry by Chakerian, et. al.


I won't give a pitch here, but I want people to know I'm available to answer questions either here or via email: david@mathwithoutborders.com.


--David Chandler

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