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Cell phone recommendations

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Shopping for cell phones is overwhelming to those of us who don't use them much. Here's a thread for those who are "in the know" or who have something they like or who just like surfing and shopping and have more time than I do.


Middle son needs a new cell phone for college. He needs unlimited texting and some talking minutes. Web access would be nice, but can be limited as he'll have a computer. We have a limited budget, so a phone costing $100 or less would be ideal, but it has to have bells and whistles (smartphone of some sort).


Oldest has a month to month thing with T-Mobile that costs us $45/month after he has the phone. It has unlimited text and data + some minutes (700 I think) and that works out pretty well. The cost is what I have in mind, so I'm looking for something similar, but it didn't jump out at me when I did a brief search. Right now I need to go start outside chores before it gets too hot.


So, if you want to shop or recommend... ;)


Middle son is not limited by provider (all work in his area) or any name brand.


We have Verizon, but I'm thinking he'll go with something separate as I don't want to switch to a limited data plan when/if he needs upgrades. We may even switch our own phones to keep unlimited data for our computer (cell phone connection where we live).


Smartphone with low cost to buy and $45 (or less) monthly. What's out there that seems good? Anything?

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Thanks! Tomorrow I'll have time to start looking again and it'll be nice to have names to start with instead of a big page with hundreds of options. I prefer word of mouth (err, word of forum?) reviews over those written on a site anyway. I guess I just trust the Hive more. I haven't been steered wrong yet when I've gleaned info off other threads for "life" things from movies to recipes and plenty in between.

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