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If you use PLL or ILL

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When my middle daughter used PLL in 2nd grade and 3rd grades, we added a spelling program She was using MFW which had a lot of components of language arts built into the unit study. PLL provided the rest. Next year in her 4th grade year, she'll do the language arts in the unit studies in MFW, plus Writing Strands 3, Spelling Power and ILL (the 4th grade part.)


My oldest used ILL in 5th and 6th --- I added a formal spelling program (spelling power), and Writing Strands. Somewhere in 6th grade I did a grammar workbook too (All in One English). Again all of the rest of language arts came through the unit studies in MFW.



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Did your child retain the information? Are you using the diagramming one that comes after that? I have been curious about these books.





This coming year, my oldest (7th grade) will use Applications of Grammar book 1(CLP) as part of overall language arts. I like the idea of getting it covered in one book. I like the "reference" feel that is in Applications. I didn't look at all of the All in One books.


All in One -- we just did the one called English series, master book. It didn't cause her many problems. It just covered parts of speech basics, a few rules on Commas and many a little bit more punctuation. It seems to finish off what was covered in ILL in the 6th grade portion.


Likes about the book: It is very straight forward with rules as the name says on the cover. I like that she was able to use it independently. Used to cement the facts. I see in her writing that the information looks retained. Lesson were short, just enough practice.


Dislikes -- there were some proofreading errors in the edition that I have. Isn't that true of anything? So that meant that I had to at least take 1 minute to glance over the lesson before telling her to get it done. I've heard they've updated a printing. I don't know anything about that.




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