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iPad 1st Generation

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What all do you do with your iPad 1st Generation? E-reader, electronic notepad, basic e-mail/websurfing, educational game apps, portable DVD player, any word processing? What of those things can it do? If I have a good desktop computer, can an iPad reasonably be a secondary computer (like, to check e-mail forums when DH needs the desktop for his own stuff)? Is it really portable enough to bring along all the time, like for being my grocery list and such? How is the sound quality for playing DVDs/mp3s? I see that the refurbished price on these is fairly reasonable, since they're not the newest generation, so I'm interested. I'd love to hear what you do with yours!

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I do all kinds of things with mine. We bought it before we came overseas nearly two years ago. I wouldn't replace only laptop/desktop with an iPad, but I would replace a second laptop with an iPad, and plan to when our second laptop dies.


It is very portable, but I rarely take it with me. I don't carry a purse, so I don't carry anything with me. I'd rather use an iPod or something like that at the grocery store.


I don't really know that the newer models do significantly more than the original, but I'm not sure about that. It doesn't bother me that we can't replace ours with a newer model.


We mostly use it for school, usually as a color ereader, although there are some apps we use for school too. iTunesU has been wonderful, although you don't need an iPad to use it.


I don't use it for word processing, although I might if I had an external keyboard for it. I type online comments with it, but that's the most typing I like to do with it. When we first got it and were using it in the US, we used it for Netflix. I've always been happy with the sound quality, but my standards probably aren't the highest.


I have no regrets about getting it.

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I would advise saving up a little longer in order to get at least an iPad 2 rather than getting an iPad 1 now. The difference between the first and second generation iPads is greater than that between second and third models.


I have a first gen iPad, and I'd recommend the same thing. The new iOS6 that is soon to be released will not run on 1st gen iPads, so it won't be long before it can't do new apps and things either, I'd bet.


Ours is mostly used for Netflix or PBS Kids and ds's communication app (which makes it invaluable, for that reason alone). I don't carry it with me to the store (I use the notepad app on my phone for lists), but we do carry it pretty much everywhere else. It's in an Otterbox Defender case, which makes it a LOT bulkier, but practically indestructible.

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