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I am going to be doing a sleep study

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I went to the doctor today and he has referred me to get a sleep study. In fact, he said he had just had it done a couple of weeks prior.


He mentioned having things hooked up to him, but since we actually weren't there for me, I didn't ask a lot of questions (I had taken in my 8 year old for snoring and mentioned I snore too and wake up gasping for air and he immediately wrote a referral!)


Anyway, questions:


1. What do they hook you up to?

2. Can you actually sleep with all that stuff on you?

3. Can you get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night with all that stuff if you need to?




PS: As for my son's snoring, we think it is weight related. He needs to lose some weight so that will be something we need to focus on. He gets LOTS of exercise, but he just can't handle the foods he is eating.

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You will be hooked up with wires to a machine that will monitor all your movements.

They are not uncomfortable, just a lot of them.


yes, you can go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, they just pull the plug and you can go.


Can you sleep? Well, I have had 3. I had a difficult time falling asleep, but ultimately I did.

Have your Dr. have a sleeping pill ordered so you can take it if you don't fall asleep quickly.

Depending on what kind of study you have, some clinics do the study in two parts. The first one just requires you to be asleep long enough that they can read the results and determine whether or not you have sleep apnea.

The 2nd half of the study, which sometime is done on a 2nd visit, is to get the correct settings for your CPAP machine. Mine were all done in the same visit.


Do a thread search, there are lots of us on this board who have been DX with this.

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Thank you. I will do a search. I will be reading up on all of this too.


I didn't know I could take a sleeping pill. Good to know. I might not even have to get up to the bathroom often if I can actually SLEEP!




You will be hooked up with wires to a machine that will monitor all your movements.

They are not uncomfortable, just a lot of them.


yes, you can go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, they just pull the plug and you can go.


Can you sleep? Well, I have had 3. I had a difficult time falling asleep, but ultimately I did.

Have your Dr. have a sleeping pill ordered so you can take it if you don't fall asleep quickly.

Depending on what kind of study you have, some clinics do the study in two parts. The first one just requires you to be asleep long enough that they can read the results and determine whether or not you have sleep apnea.

The 2nd half of the study, which sometime is done on a 2nd visit, is to get the correct settings for your CPAP machine. Mine were all done in the same visit.


Do a thread search, there are lots of us on this board who have been DX with this.

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One of the symptoms of Sleep Apnea is having to get up to go to the bathroom. No one has explained why, but my theory is you are not in a deep enough sleep for things to shut down, so your body keeps telling you to go to teh bathroom. On nights that I have some insomnia, I am in there several times. Nights I sleep well, I never have to get up.


IN case you don't find it in your search, join the forum at CPAPtalk.com. There are immensely helpful over there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That was NOT fun. I didn't sleep well at all. She came in at 2am and asked me to sleep on my back. I don't sleep on my back! :glare:


I think I got couple of hours of sleep in total.


This better bring in some results!



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They always want you to sleep on your back as part of their study. They want to know if the apnea is more severe on your back, and it is, but they will set your CPAP accordingly. I assure them I never sleep on my back and pretty much refuse to cooperate at that point. later they agreed, I don't sleep on my back except for a brief minute at a time.

You probably slept better than you think you did. Results take time, but here's to hoping you feel better soon!

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I went to the doctor today and he has referred me to get a sleep study. In fact, he said he had just had it done a couple of weeks prior.


He mentioned having things hooked up to him, but since we actually weren't there for me, I didn't ask a lot of questions (I had taken in my 8 year old for snoring and mentioned I snore too and wake up gasping for air and he immediately wrote a referral!)


Anyway, questions:


1. What do they hook you up to?

2. Can you actually sleep with all that stuff on you?

3. Can you get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night with all that stuff if you need to?




PS: As for my son's snoring, we think it is weight related. He needs to lose some weight so that will be something we need to focus on. He gets LOTS of exercise, but he just can't handle the foods he is eating.




Electrodes are hooked up to your head with the other end attached to a computer pack. There will be many on the head. Well, my first sleep study I did not sleep....10 years ago. The second one Dec 2011 I DID sleep!!!!!! You will sleep in a simulated "hotel room" type of room. On the wall within reach is a buzzer and you will push that to signal one of the techs to come into your room to go potty!


I can give you names for great, local pediatric and adult neurologist/sleep study center if you're interested.



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That was NOT fun. I didn't sleep well at all. She came in at 2am and asked me to sleep on my back. I don't sleep on my back! :glare:


I think I got couple of hours of sleep in total.


This better bring in some results!




My DH had one done about 4.5 years ago. He didn't sleep well during the study, either--I don't think anyone really does, since it's an unfamiliar environment and all.


He's had a CPAP ever since and it's made a huge difference in the way he sleeps and feels overall. He doesn't get up to go to the bathroom at all in the night anymore. And I sleep much better (if it weren't for these kids waking me up!) because it's not like sleeping with a bear anymore.

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I don't think anyone sleeps well in those studies. They don't have to have a lot of time to know if you have apnea. You may have slept longer than you thought (I did). I'm glad it's over and, if you do have apnea, I think you'll find treatment makes a world of difference like it has for many of us.

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Did they tell you how long you slept?



I don't think anyone sleeps well in those studies. They don't have to have a lot of time to know if you have apnea. You may have slept longer than you thought (I did). I'm glad it's over and, if you do have apnea, I think you'll find treatment makes a world of difference like it has for many of us.

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I agree, it's horrid trying to sleep when you're all hooked up, and on your back, and a camera staring down at you :blink:


They were able to get enough info from me to diagnose me though, and when I went back the 2nd time, I slept much better (I just went ahead and slept on my side that time).


I hope they were able to tell if you have apnea. Having a CPAP makes a huge difference.

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