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Help me choose between IEW's Student Writing Intensive C/Put That in Writing

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My soon to be 9th grader had a writing assignment this week that he turned in yesterday (last of the year :001_smile:). But, although he has taken a composition course in the past, it was apparent he stills needs guidance in this area. So I looked into IEW's SWI C and Put That in Writing. I actually liked the look of the latter but haven't heard many comments regarding it.


Any comments on these two programs? Which would you choose and why.:bigear:

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Here are some past threads on PTIW with "user feedback". ;) BEST of luck in finding what works best for your family! Warmly, Lori D.



Any experience with PWIT and IEW SWI? Can you compare the two?

Put That in Writing… anyone use recently? (also included thoughts on IEW)

Put That in Writing -- 2 questions

Put That in Writing ?s

9th grade writing: Jensen's Format Writing or Put That in Writing?

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They're both good, solid programs, but which one you use depends on what you need the program to do. IEW will have more hand holding and explicit instructions for each writing assignment. PTIW assumes a certain level of proficiency and covers some mechanics but focuses more on different types of writing assignments rather than on how to actually write in the first place. We used PTIW briefly this year, but I came back to IEW because ds and I needed more 'how to' instructions.

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PTIW assumes a certain level of proficiency and covers some mechanics but focuses more on different types of writing assignments rather than on how to actually write in the first place. We used PTIW briefly this year, but I came back to IEW because ds and I needed more 'how to' instructions.


:iagree: I really like PTIW, and will use it again the latter part of next year. However, dd still needed more "how to" instruction like 4wildberrys said.

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