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Nasty tap water

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Our water here is really yucky. Also the brand name water I can get here in gallon jugs and 2.5 gallons jugs is yucky too, tastes dirty or like plastic. So...I buy Aquafina in bottles and I know I'm wasting a lot of money on it.

My question is, does an inexpensive filter system like Brita really make a big difference in taste? I'd like to use that instead, but worried I'll buy it and the water will still taste bad.

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I have an Aquasana filter on my kitchen sink. I have a shower filter, too. We have well water and it doesn't taste or smell bad. But, I even noticed a difference in the shower water. It was less sticky and soap cleaned away quickly.

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It worked on my parents' well water. When I was pregnant, I could not stand the taste, so I bought them a Brita. It was like magic! I think it's worth a try, certainly.


I've had water that went through the Brita system before in CT and it tasted great! I'm just worried this FL water is too bad for Brita to make it taste good. :lol:

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Our water used to come from a sandpit. No lie. Flunked every water test every quarter. We put in an RO system (Reverse Osmosis). It was fairly costly (couple hundred $), but by the time you add up all the costs of bottled water over a year (or less), it was paid. We use it to cook, drink, brush our teeth, everything but bathe and wash clothes (for the clothes we should have purchased stock in borax). If I'm not much mistaken, you can "rent to own" these units for not much per month to soften the blow of the initial investment. We really like it. Ours is an under-the-sink job with its own special spout. We have also got a tube running the ro'd water to the dispenser in the fridge.


I looked at all the different options available (this was 7 years ago, so maybe new technology is available now) to filter out all the ick in our water, and the RO system won, hands down.


Can you get the recent water test results from your town/village/city so you know what you need to filter out? You can go from there, because Britta gets some stuff out, but not all.

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I buy delivered water from Crystal Springs and have a cold/hot water dispenser. I find my dc's drink tons more water when I have a cooler. It actually saves me money because I only buy the water and milk. Occassionally I get orange juice, but it definitely allows us to drink more water.

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We have one of the filters that fits on the kitchen tap and it works great.


Our water has a high iron content and smells really bad. I would like to have all the water filtered as it entered the house, but it's a rental and the landlord won't install one. I have to clean the toilet and shower every other day because of the iron stains.

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At the office we have a PUR (in the pitcher style similar to the Brita). It makes a huge difference in the taste vs tap.


We supposedly have pretty "clean" water here in Los Angeles, but the chlorine makes the tap pretty unpalatable. The PUR filtered water is quite drinkable.



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We have one of the filters that fits on the kitchen tap and it works great.


Our water has a high iron content and smells really bad. I would like to have all the water filtered as it entered the house, but it's a rental and the landlord won't install one. I have to clean the toilet and shower every other day because of the iron stains.


Oh I get that here too.

Well I think I'm going to try a Brita and see if it works...I hope so. I really don't have a lot of money to spend buying a Pur system right now.

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We've got two filters--one is on the water softener, in case you might consider that. Honestly, our water here has a horrid "sulpher" smell, as in it smells like poo. We went for a reverse osmosis from Sam's Club, and I've got to say it's THE best $130 I EVER spent. Our water tastes so delicious I don't even like bottled water anymore!


It probably won't hurt to try the Brita, but if you need to bring out the big guns go for the reverse osmosis.

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