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Freaking out--have a visit with the child psych next week...

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In preparation, I downloaded the NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale. Oh. my. goodness.


My 10yo son scored:


Section 1 (ADD): 8/9

Section 3 (ODD): 8/8

Section 4 (CDD): 3/14


I am in shock. I knew things were not normal, that he's a "difficult" kid, but it's only been in the last six months that I felt like we were going to need outside help, and soon. How could I have missed such serious problems? And what happens now?

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I'm right there with you. We have an appt with pediatrician on Monday for Ds 7 - already did the Vanderbilt assessment but haven't reviewed everything with ped. I wish I had advice for you, but anything I know is from reading and not life experience.


I do have sympathy for your situation! How are you addressing it with Ds? What did you tell him about the appt? I am feeling like a lot is going on with him being aware (this first appt and the assessment) and I don't want to spring things on him or talk to the doc in a way that might make him feel ashamed of his conduct. What do you say to him?

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I'm right there with you. We have an appt with pediatrician on Monday for Ds 7 - already did the Vanderbilt assessment but haven't reviewed everything with ped. I wish I had advice for you, but anything I know is from reading and not life experience.


I do have sympathy for your situation! How are you addressing it with Ds? What did you tell him about the appt? I am feeling like a lot is going on with him being aware (this first appt and the assessment) and I don't want to spring things on him or talk to the doc in a way that might make him feel ashamed of his conduct. What do you say to him?


We've talked about it. He has four siblings, none of whom have the sorts of behavior issues that he does, so he already knew. But things came to a head recently, which led to a visit to the pediatrician and a referral to behavioral therapy. Since I didn't want to go over EVERYTHING with the pediatrician right in front of him, I wrote a one page summary of what we've seen/experienced. The ped did discuss it with him, but it wasn't all that helpful. Still, I appreciate that our ped knows his limitations, and he even said that this was out of his area of expertise.


Ds doesn't seem to be bothered or concerned, I think he wants help.


It's nice to know that I'm not alone. :grouphug:

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