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Has anyone had their student do paid tutoring?

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Middle son has often helped his peers - tutoring math/science/chess - for free. Now that he's graduated and heading off to college soon he was wondering what he could do this summer - tutoring (non-friends) came up as a possibility. He'd be willing to do math/science/chess/SAT/ACT and possibly more if there were interest, but I think those would be the main ones. He's at the top of the top in all of those subjects, so ability isn't an issue.


Has anyone done this? What did they charge? Would he need a work permit? With summer school coming up, there could be demand, but we'd need to get the nuts and bolts figured out first.

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My dh's boss's dd took a gap year between undergrad and law school and tutored with Wyzant. The tutor has to take a test to "qualify" for whatever subjects he wants to tutor. The company takes a sliding percentage of your wages; it decreases the further you go (I'm not sure whether that's based on calendar time or work hours).

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I wonder if he could ask at the local high school. My eldest three have tutored through 11th and 12th grade, eldest did it through the local h.s. and next two did it through local community college, but they were taking classes there and that's how they got in.


Some community colleges are really desperate for tutors in certain subjects (at least in my locality) and it would be pretty easy to pick up hours. Dd is graduating in a couple of weeks and will stay on as a tutor even though she's not taking any classes there.


But I *am* really interested in what others say, since she loves tutoring and we were contemplating the same thing for her, tutoring on "the outside" in addition to her hours at the cc.

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He's blazed on with this while I was at school. In our area, it appears $10/hour is "typical," so that's what he's going with (plus gas if he needs to drive far). He already has his first customer (for math) and plans to "advertise" via Facebook. His friends (those he's tutored occasionally for free) are also heading out to spread the word.


Our local cc isn't near us, so I'm not sure that's worth his time, but I'll keep it in mind if he's not getting enough students otherwise. I will put the notice in at our school for any summer school students who might be interested.

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My 17 dd does this for similar rates to what you mentioned. She loves it.


FWIW, about 5 years ago I hired an English Major to teach a Summer essay writing class. She charged me somewhere around $200- $300 upfront and then she met with two of my older children at our home for 1 1/2 hours a week.


Maybe your son could advertise an intensive course like that as well.

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Yes, our son has done quite a bit - math tutoring of high school students especially mostly through word of mouth. $20 an hour is a pretty typical going rate in our area, but I'd start out flexible depending on the individual circumstances. Some students may just want help one or two times, some may prefer weekly tutoring.

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Thanks. He's excited about his possibilities as this is something he loves doing - he just usually doesn't get paid for it up till now. I'm glad to know others have done it and it worked out.


$20/hour would be great, but we're rural and I can't see those prices being accepted around here... ;)

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