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Math Dilemma...good student but need worktext!

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Ok my Hive Mind friends, I need your guidance! I have an 8th grader who has finished Saxon 8/7 and moving on to Algebra 1, but we are trying to find a different approach for him. The problem is not the Saxon method, in fact he is doing really well with Saxon. The problem is that he has extreme difficulty correctly transferring problems from the textbook into his composition book to do them. We know he has some sort of undefined disability, it is clear in other work as well, and yet he is a high functioning student reading well above grade level. He transposes numbers and letters often, or flat our writes the wrong numbers altogether. We were thinking a write in workbook, or online program might be better suited for him, but we don't need a dumbed down text.


Any thoughts on what might work well? Thanks!

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FWIW, I would get the undefined disability figured out and documented, in case accommodations might be available for the SAT, which involves filling in bubbles on a separate answer sheet. Accommodations (typically extra time) for certain disabilities can significantly improve scores. I wouldn't wait any longer to do this, as a paper trail of the disability is important. I don't know the specifics, though there have been a few posts on the SN board on this.


With the other issues you mention - transposing numbers and letters - I'd first rule out vision issues before seeing a neuropsych for the dyslexia testing. To find a developmental optometrist, see www.covd.org.


Also, consider having him learn LaTeX for typing out math. I have no idea if this would be more trouble or less trouble than writing the answers, though it would fix the transposing, and I suppose once one gets used to it, it might go quicker.

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FWIW, I would get the undefined disability figured out and documented, in case accommodations might be available for the SAT, which involves filling in bubbles on a separate answer sheet. Accommodations (typically extra time) for certain disabilities can significantly improve scores. I wouldn't wait any longer to do this, as a paper trail of the disability is important. I don't know the specifics, though there have been a few posts on the SN board on this.


With the other issues you mention - transposing numbers and letters - I'd first rule out vision issues before seeing a neuropsych for the dyslexia testing. To find a developmental optometrist, see www.covd.org.


Also, consider having him learn LaTeX for typing out math. I have no idea if this would be more trouble or less trouble than writing the answers, though it would fix the transposing, and I suppose once one gets used to it, it might go quicker.


Yep - could be dyscalculia. We have a neuropsyche eval with accommodations recommended - and we did it specifically for the SAT's and ACT's


Instead of buying a workbook-type text - what about photocopying the pages of the text? I used to do this for my DS.... That seemed to work well for him.

BTW - Foerster has been awesome for my dyscalculic/dyslexic son :)

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I actually have this workbook. First, it is for the FOURTH edition of the Saxon Algebra I, which is radically different in a lot of ways from the third edition.


Second, it REALLY doesn't give you any extra space to work the problems. It pretty much is exactly the same as the problems in the book, including the spacing. I think it's meant to be a source for homework for public school students who can't actually take their texts home. I bought it because I hoped to be able to use it as a worktext too, but it honestly wouldn't work for that.

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