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I did not want to go out today!

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But of course i have to.


Ds had a bad day that ended in tears. I think he was just overtired to begin with. He did not like dinner. He fought kitchen clean up. Because he fought clean up with nasty language, he did not get to take a bath (i showered him) or play in the tub. I read his stories, said good night and he started crying.


We are out of his yogurts. :( This is a routine that I got him into, so now i have to run out and grab a few yogurts so we dont start the day wrong.


I am waiting for him to fall asleep so i can go get them (store is 1/2 mile from here). While i'm there i might as well grab a few more things, like a lemon for chicken francaise on wednesday, and french vanilla creamer for coffee, and milk...


Tomorrow i will not step foot off my porch!


I am only posting to waste a few minutes while he is falling asleep. Yes, 6:30ish is his normal bedtime.


How was your day?

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I didn't want to leave the house, either - or get dressed for that matter - but we ended up going to the home improvement store and getting new clothes line, spray paint, and plants for the flower box on our front porch. The wicker furniture is halfway to barn red (it was white, but 12 years worn), and the box is full of plants/flowers.


So, not a half bad day. (but I still sort of resent getting dressed)


I'm sorry your day didn't go smoothly. Those days stink.

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Well, the high was 94 here today. Which is insanely hot for Michigan. Did I mention I hate heat? :tongue_smilie: Yeah, anything over 75 you can keep, lol. And since we don't 'do' holidays, we were planning on just staying in. In fact, dh and the boys haven't gone out. I just went out to return some library things and to mail the anouncements/invitations for dsd's graduation/open house.


I'm curious, since you mentioned (ok, and 'cause I'm nosy, lol). Your ds who is 7 goes to bed at 6:30? So what time does he get up in the morning? I mean, my 6 1/2 yo son sleeps about 10 1/2 hours a night. I guess I'm just imagining putting him to bed at 6:30. Even if I were ever able to get his sleep pattern changed that drastically (we're at the opposite end of the spectrum; my boys usually go to sleep around 10ish), he'd be getting up around 5am. No. Thank. You. lol


ETA: I definitely get the 'I'm not leaving the house today' thing. Sometimes I read on here about how full other family's schedules are, and start to feel like maybe we're missing out. But then I go 'Nah. That'd mean I'd have to go out EVERY day!' lol. I LOVE days when we get to literally not even step out the door. Yes, I'm an introvert; why do you ask? :)

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When I went outside to get into the car to go shopping, I discovered it had been rifled through overnight. We have a camera, looks like three young men are well on their way to careers as felons. So very, very sad for them. Really- trying to rob people with 3 child seats! (They should be leaving us money. :lol:)

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When I went outside to get into the car to go shopping, I discovered it had been rifled through overnight. We have a camera, looks like three young men are well on their way to careers as felons. So very, very sad for them. Really- trying to rob people with 3 child seats! (They should be leaving us money. :lol:)

I'd be taking that to the police..... Are you?? Hope it doesn't get recorded over.....

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Another melting Michigander here. UGH....I hate heat and humidity.


Dh is sick, sick, sick...I did not want to go out either, but needed to find Nyquil for him. Ended up stuck in parade traffic. That said, the ceremony that I passed at a local cemetary looked like it was lovely.


On top of which, I know y mother is miffed because I don't do the decorate the grave thing for my grandparents. I'm a really rational, empirical type person and have never been ale to relate really well to these kinds of death/burial rituals. I know that's not normal, but I also don't see the point of doing something like this when I don't take any personal meaning from it. Anyway, the sexton of the cemetary that my grandparents is married in mows down any plants and flowers that are put out...it seems like a wasted effort in this case.


Sigh.....it's like this every Memorial Day. I am grateful for those who sacrified their lives for others..."No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for a friend." But every year there is this family tension because I'm not sentimental enough about family graves and my mother, who lost her father at the age of 16, takes great comfort from these rites. I am very compassionate and graceful about it, but it's not enough for her and so ARGGGGGGGHHHHH I always end up hating Memorial Day!


Sorry to all that have had a bad day.



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