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Do tadpoles need a pet sitter for a long weekend?

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My DD7 has a cheer competition out of town and we've arranged to spend Sat-Sunday nights so we have a little time to visit some of the sights and just spend time as a family. However, our reliable homeschooled teen petsitter will be traveling that weekend.


I don't really like leaving the cats for the weekend, but I know from experience that they'll be OK-we can leave food/water out for them, and for 2 nights, they'll be fine-and don't like having strangers in the house. While they trust our regular teenager, they likely wouldn't come out for anyone else, and would be downright disgruntled to be invaded.


However, we currently have 9 tadpoles growing legs in an aquarium, and I'm worried about whether they'd be OK for a couple of days. I can probably find someone to come in if it's essential.

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I think they'd be fine provided they have a place to go that's out of the water and a top on the tank to keep them from jumping out. That's based on the fact that we are doing absolutely nothing for the three tadpoles that we have (they have plenty of food from the duckweed in the pond water they are in). Plus I read that they stop eating for a short time when their systems switch gears from water-breathing herbivores to air-breathing carnivores. I've never raised them before, so I can't be sure though.

Edited by joannqn
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We are on our first set of tadpoles so I haven't been successful yet. Ours haven't gotten their legs yet, but my understanding is that if you put a cricket in it should last a couple of days. And a place to climb out on.

Ours are outside so I don't have to worry about travelers.:001_smile:

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