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Be encouraged!

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Good morning, all!


As summer approaches (or, in our case in the Sonoran Desert, where it has already arrived!) it's easy to fall into the trap of "We haven't done any[/i] schooling because we've been spring cleaning, enjoying the weather outside, building rabbit hutches, gardening, etc, etc, etc." The trap is NOT that you've fallen into doing other things other than studying rigorously in textbooks, your historical literature, etc. The trap IS in not acknowledging that those other things you have been doing (in which I hope you've included your children) ARE part of their education.


Folks, included in the whole reason we homeschool is for flexibility of schedule and what we teach our children. Would you rather your children be forced to sit at a desk, inside, for pretty much the whole day or would you rather they have the opportunity to be outside when the weather's at it's nicest and be able to learn some things that others can only attend to on the weekends?


Our schools are not the brick and mortar schools. Everyone knows homeschoolers are different :D so we should take full advantage of that!


Enjoy that weekday afternoon by the lake, being able to take your dog to the dog park with your kids, or letting your kids sleep in, etc. It's OKAY. Really. :grouphug:

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One other thing to help put things into perspective: Instead of enumerating that which has not been done, write down that which has been accomplished. It always astounded me when I listed everything we had done towards the end of the school year. The glass was almost full!

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