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Do you have a record player?


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Toured a preschool recently and saw that they had set up an old vinyl record player for the kids to use. They had a huge array of old records for them to use, and it just seemed like such a clever "toy." If nothing else, there are a million old records at thrift stores and you could probably get a lot of old kids music and let the munchkins go to town.


That said, I just looked at new record players on Amazon and the good ones seem pricey. If you have a record player, is it vintage or new? Do you let your kids touch it? How did you set up the speakers?

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This is something that I have been trying to get together. I saved all of my smaller records which went with picture books from my childhood. But I did not save the child's record player:) They are pricey on Ebay and Etsy Vintage. I'm looking at garage sales.

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For the kids bdays last year (3 & 5), my mom sent my old records. I bought a new Crosley on Amazon for ~ $100 and a used Fisher Price from the 80's on eBay for ~ $40. The idea was for the Crosley to be the Family record player and the FP for in their rooms. But then I didn't want to hand over my old records to them unsupervised so we only use the Crosley. They do think it is neat (Look, giant DVD's!) and enjoy listening to them and watching them spin, especially the ones with storybooks.

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I have an older record player a friend's husband tuned up, as it were. It's in the living room. My DH has dj turn tables and a small portable record player. I've seen the little portable ones for sale for around $30-40, even places like Kohls. They'd be fine for a kid. I don't let my kids use mine, but will let pick a record to play. DH occasionally lets them spin with him. They love it. I bet they'd love one in their room with a stack of vinyl. My older brother and I used our Fisher Price record player tons. Great idea!

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We have two. A nice console just off from the family room (safe from little day care kids, but can still be heard) and an old "school" one, the kind that folds into a box. Dh listens all the time. He has a couple hundred records. He used to have more, but when we moved to CO in '86 he got rid of a bunch- since we thought CDs were "it". He quickly changed his mind and started collecting vinyl again. We did get rid of all our 45s. Kind of wish we'd kept them, but you can only have so much stuff.

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