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Shy Extrovert?

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Just wondering if anyone fits this description. I know in the introvert threads many people have said that shy doesn't equal introvert. (which, as one, I agree with). Dd acts very shy in new situations. She does not like aproaching people she doesn't know and is quite content to stay in her own little world if the alternative is to talk to someone new. But, by all other appearances, she seems to be an extrovert. This child does not do well if she is the only child home. She really thrives and needs that companionship and hates to be alone.

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My dd is very much "in charge" (or tries to be/likes to be) when she's here at home with her family and friends. My ds is quite content on following her lead. HOWEVER...when they are out in public, it's my son who's quick to introduce himself to another kid he may not know and my dd turns very shy, won't say much, and follows HIS lead. Very funny to watch the role reversal!

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Dd17 is a shy extrovert, and dd14 is a confident introvert. It took me years to realize this.


Dd17 needs a large social network and plenty of time spent with friends to be happy. But she is shy about approaching or interacting with people she doesn't know. That's why she has been miserable homeschooling for the last few years. I wanted her to get out, do things, join things, meet people. But she always dug in her heels and refused, because that was intimidating to her. I thought for years that she was an introvert and didn't desire much socializing (like me) and so never forced her. I couldn't understand why she was unhappy at home and yet refused to go out. But she wanted to be in school so that social network would be in place without her having to actively seek it. I should have either sent her to school (REALLY not an option here), or forced her into more outside activities.


Dd14, conversely, is kind of a perky loudmouth (I say that with love!) who easily talks to people. Yet she is happy to be alone all day and has only two close friends, each of whom she sees about once a week.


Not understanding this about my dd17 in particular is one of my biggest regrets in life. Sigh.

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Yeah, I think this is my dd7. She really does hate being alone. The rest of us are all introverts. But she never wants to give us our alone time. :) i guess it's good that we'll be continuing co-op. i hate giving up that day of school, but they do love the socialization aspect of it.


Ds is the Just the opposite. Needs that alone time, but my goodness, the boy can TALK! Takes after both his grandpas, who never knew a stranger.

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