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Ready for a new read-aloud & looking for suggestions.

Julie in GA

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I don't care about history time-period, I just want something good for the summer. My older boys are asking me to go through The Lord of the Rings trilogy again, and I may do this, but might like one, shorter book first to read that my daughter will enjoy as well. We are reading Anne of Green Gables on Friday nights (we alternate between read-aloud & family movie), so it doesn't have to be a book about a girl.


Previous read-alouds that we ALL have loved:


Little House Series

Moffats books

Howard Pyle stuff, especially Men of Iron

The Yearling

Swallows & Amazons (Is the sequel good? Maybe that's an idea.)

The Bronze Bow

Chronicles of Narnia

Lord of the Rings -- daughter was too young to have any opinion on this the last time we read it. :)

E.B. White books, but we're beyond that now


Suggestions, anyone?


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The Phantom Tollbooth may work for everyone. There's a really nice illustrated version of the Hobbit. If they like fantasy, The Belgariad series and The Mallorean following it have strong female characters-the author, David Eddings, finally had to admit his wife was helping him.:)

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Our most recent hit was The Borrowers by Mary Norton. My dh LOVED reading it to dd. However, he doesn't want me to get the sequels because he felt the one book was so perfect and complete; he's afraid there's no way the sequels could be equals. :001_smile: Other than that, Kate DiCamillo books have captured us all.

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We just finished The City of Ember - HUGE hit with my younger ones! I first read it a few years ago with my older daughters - we all read it separately and then discussed it - and I did not realize what a great read-aloud it would be!


If your children liked The Moffats and Swallows and Amazons, they may like The Saturdays and The Four-Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright. I read those aloud to my older girls about 7 years ago and we still remember them fondly.


Another big hit was Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes - since they liked The Moffats, they will probably like Ginger Pye.


And one year my husband read aloud Old Yeller, Rascal and Where the Red Fern Grows - we cried and cried and decided not to read anymore dead-pet books. Then we found Gordon Korman's book No More Dead Dogs - hysterical!

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The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, and

The Light Princess by George MacDonald (our first book by MacDonald; decided to try it out since CS Lewis liked him)


We've also enjoyed books by Hilda Van Stockum (avail. at Bethlehem Books) -- the Cottage at Bantry Bay series and The Mitchells series.


BTW, The Wind in the Willows is even more fun if you've recently read a retelling of The Odyssey.



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it is VERY different from the movie, and is very well written (very descriptive). My boys LOVED this book and begged us to read it everyday. We purchased it through Sonlight. There are some neat pictures throughout the book. A second favorite was In Grandma's Attic, have you heard of it? Also on Sonlights' RA list, it is a compilation of stories told by the granddaughter of a woman who lived in the late 1800s, early 1900s. They begged me to get the next 2 books with more stories.

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