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I'm sick, please send chicken noodle soup and a hot toddy

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I've not been sick in a REALLY long time (like, I don't even remember the last time). Well, unless you count last summer when I had the Norwalk Virus (the cruise ship virus - except I got mine at a conference at a hotel in Chicago!).


Anyway, my oldest was good enough to share his germs. It started with a sore throat and has now gone to my chest. I ache all over but don't think I'm running a fever. It hurts to cough SOOOOO much!!! I haven't slept in four nights because of the tickling feeling in my throat. Oh - and I have no voice.


So, how does one make a hot toddy and could someone bring one over???? Please? Dh has a wedding rehearsal tonight so he'll be gone for a while. My older boys are gone for the day at karate camp and they're going to a movie tonight. So, it's just me and Meg and she just can't entertain herself for very long!

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